August 16, 2019

Breaking New Ground with Optimize Audio

Businesses of today are always on the lookout for a better and more effective means of advertising, as well as any new digital marketing trends. Most of the digital marketers who lean towards success are utilizing programmatic digital media such as search, display, video, social and email marketing – all of which can be tracked and measured through proper attribution. However, audio ads, historically speaking, have not been able to be measured like that … until now!

Programmatic audio-based ads have been around for a little while, but being in its infancy and without power to track its true effectiveness, Genius Monkey has left it alone. “Why dedicate dollars to a single channel, knowing a large chunk of those dollars will be lost … and you won’t even know which ones? We will only spend money on channels we know we can track, and move budgets across in real time to make sure you’re getting the highest ROI,” says Jeremy Hudgens, CRO at Genius Monkey.

As our readers know, we at Genius Monkey stay abreast of the newest marketing technology, and the next thing to go into our extensive bag of tricks is Optimize Audio. Now we are able to target and place ads right in front of consumers’ … ears! And we do this all while tracking from the impression of the audio, all the way down to a set of KPIs and conversions.

Genius Monkey is rolling out their highly anticipated Optimize Audio, allowing us to place audio ads on stations like Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Soundcloud, ESPN Radio, and the list goes on.

In light of this rollout, Genius Monkey has some helpful hints to succeed with your ads when an audio format is called for:

Ad Length

The thirty-second spot is a popular commercial length, but it may not work the best for every marketer. Shorter spots of 10-15 seconds can be a more effective way to hold listeners’ attention. You’ll need to try out different lengths to see what performs best for your particular situation.

Always Include A Call To Action

Every audio ad should include a clear Call to Action (CTA). When you’re targeting a specific channel, like smartphones, think about using a mobile-specific CTA, like “Text XXXX to receive a coupon.”

Keep It Casually Real

Because of the fact that a streaming audio is so intimate and personal, make sure your voiceover tone is calm and cool. Listeners are more receptive when brands use a conversational tone … as if you were speaking directly to the listener.

Keep Your Message Fresh

The creative can make all the difference in the world. Keep a couple of different ads running. This offers the audience a better listening experience, but also gives you a better insight into what ads work best. Don’t let the ads get stale.

You Won’t Know If You Don’t Measure

The way people engage with digital audio is very different from visual media. When setting audio KPI’s, be sure that you’re quantifying success in a way that is appropriate to the environment.

Whether audio, visual or any other means of getting your message out, we want to be your digital programmatic partner!

Interested in learning more about how Genius Monkey can boost your conversion rates today?

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