What’s Coming in 2022? Marketing Trends You Should Prepare For

What’s Coming in 2022? Marketing Trends You Should Prepare For

Last year, the pandemic turned the world upside down, and it’s not over yet. Marketing shifted, with brands trying new tactics to reach those staying home. Even now, digital changes happen unexpectedly, as new apps pop up, new trends appear, and new marketing strategies take hold. There’s never been a greater need for marketing professionals to be flexible or ready to pivot at any moment. The key to success is planning for what’s ahead.

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November 29, 2021
Attribution Models Are NOT One Size Fits All!

Attribution Models Are NOT One Size Fits All!

In 2017, 76% of marketers reported that they currently had or planned to have marketing attribution. Fast forward to today, where that number has only increased, as marketing attribution is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. With attribution being so widely used in one form or another, marketers must use an attribution model that is the right fit for them. A minuscule 22% of marketers believe they’re using the right attribution model, leaving 78% wondering what they should be doing.

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November 17, 2021
Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

In marketing and advertising, we know that the more you know, the more you can optimize and succeed. When it comes to attribution and reporting, knowing the full picture about a potential customer can be the difference between landing a solid conversion and losing a crucial lead. While other OTT & Connected TV marketers claim to provide thorough attribution, what you may not know is that they may not be giving you the whole picture.

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November 3, 2021
‘Tis the Season to Be Streaming: How OTT/CTV Can Benefit From the Holidays

‘Tis the Season to Be Streaming: How OTT/CTV Can Benefit From the Holidays

From Freeform’s 31 Nights of Halloween to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (which has 50 million viewers), there is no shortage of big events to watch for this holiday season. A 2020 study from Unruly (interviewing Americans) revealed that during the winter season: 51% planned to watch more TV 58% planned to spend more time on the Internet 34% planned to spend more time playing video games Unruly researcher Nick Woodford added, “With more eyeballs on screens, it’s never been more important for brands to get their holiday campaigns right.

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October 25, 2021
Facebook Went Dark—What Did You Do?

Facebook Went Dark—What Did You Do?

Where were you on October 4, 2021? If you own a smartphone or keep up with the news, you’ll remember that at the beginning of this month, Facebook “broke down” for more than 5 hours. And it wasn’t just Facebook—the breakdown included their apps, Instagram and Whatsapp, and even some of their office building software, leaving Facebook employees locked outside for hours. Maybe you barely noticed and went on with your day.

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October 20, 2021
Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Can you remember every ad you saw? What was the last commercial that caught your eye? In a world of constant messaging and promotion, it’s nearly impossible to remember every ad that passes your way. So how can you expect your customers to do the same? A Real-Life Example with Genius Monkey A law firm recently partnered with Genius Monkey to increase leads, and they started seeing results almost immediately.

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October 13, 2021
How New CMOs Can Objectively Evaluate Their New Company's Marketing Strategies and Vendors Without Clearing House

How New CMOs Can Objectively Evaluate Their New Company's Marketing Strategies and Vendors Without Clearing House

Much to the dismay of advertising and marketing agencies, when they hear that their client has a new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or high-level marketing manager, they know that there is about to be a serious change. This news will ultimately mean that the new CMO, trying to make swift changes in the eyes of the rest of the C-suite in a radical departure from their predecessor, will clean house and look for a new direction.

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September 29, 2021
Preparing your Company during Google’s Cookie Ban Delay

Preparing your Company during Google’s Cookie Ban Delay

Genius Monkey recently made a blog post about Google’s modifications regarding its cookie guidelines for the digital marketing industry. But hold the presses! Google just announced that it was pushing back its timeline from 2021 to 2023 before they kill third-party tracking cookies, giving the brands a chance to plan for more privacy-conscious targeted ads. So, it appears that marketers may have at least two more years before the cookie cremation happens.

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September 1, 2021
Create Your Own Economy

Create Your Own Economy

The marketing funnel is a way to visualize and understand the full process of your clients’ journeys from before they even have a spark of a thought that they have a need up until they decide you are the right company to fulfill that need. A full-funnel marketing approach begins at the top of the funnel by driving mass impressions to achieve branding and name recognition. As you move down the funnel, it becomes narrower and the efforts of your marketing become more focused, targeting the most qualified audience with the highest propensity to convert.

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August 4, 2021
The Importance of Being Mobile Friendly

The Importance of Being Mobile Friendly

Consumers have grown increasingly accustomed to using their mobile devices to research products and make purchases, spending a large portion of their day using their phones. On average, smartphone users in 2019 spent three and a half hours per day on their mobile devices, with nearly a third of users reporting near continual time spent online. At the same time, the number of U.S. adults owning a smartphone has rapidly grown, from 35% in 2011 to 85% in 2021.

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July 14, 2021
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