AI is Rapidly Altering the Digital Landscape

AI is Rapidly Altering the Digital Landscape

Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, artificial intelligence (AI), data-driven marketing and voice search engine optimization (VSEO) were merely speculative concepts that bordered on the inconceivable. Today, this concept is no longer just a “good idea,” it’s a reality that will provide a great assistance to marketers in 2020 and on into the future. According to Genius Monkey’s SVP and Director of Client Solutions, Jeremy Hudgens, “Any business that wants to be competitive in this ever-evolving digital sphere, must embrace these advancements and make room for them in their marketing strategies.

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February 25, 2020
A Flexible Marketing Presence + A Solid Business

A Flexible Marketing Presence + A Solid Business

If you’re reading this article, you’re either in the business of selling a service or a product in which you take a measure of pride, or you work in the agency space and represent clients for whom that assessment is true. Perhaps you operate in a niche space; one with a strict barrier to entry due to its esoteric nature. Maybe you’ve made a name for yourself and your company in a crowded space by doing extremely good work.

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February 18, 2020
Marketing Attribution: A Few Reminders

Marketing Attribution: A Few Reminders

The work of creating product markets, converting clicks into transactions, and maintaining a clear picture of the process as its unfolding - these are the responsibilities and challenges required of businesses of all sizes, regardless of the space in which they operate. The last of these, maintaining a clear picture of the process, is arguably the most demanding and technologically dependent of those actions, as it is predicated on the business’s ability to track consumer behavior in ways both accurate and sustained while extracting from their findings an actionable data set.

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February 13, 2020
Genius Monkey Now Integrated with TapClicks

Genius Monkey Now Integrated with TapClicks

Meet Our Newest Integration: TapClicks! Recently, we announced our integration with NinjaCat, a trusted reporting and monitoring platform that can aggregate all our clients’ campaign data in a single place, simply by pulling data from numerous sources–including Genius Monkey. And today we’re proud to announce our newest integration partner - TapClicks! TapClicks is a leading marketing dashboard and reporting platform for publishers, marketing agencies and media companies. Their marketing solutions platform features reporting, analytics, and management tools.

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February 5, 2020
Economies Fluctuate (Should Marketing Practices Do the Same?)

Economies Fluctuate (Should Marketing Practices Do the Same?)

It became so complicated so quickly. But early on, what could have been simpler than the idea of trade? You and another person find that each has something the other wants or could use, so… you make a deal, you go home, and you wonder (invariably) if you got the better end of that deal. Simple. As of today, trade, shipping, production, and macroeconomics in general have jointly amalgamated into a phenomenon of such complexity as to place it nearly on par with advanced calculus in terms of properly understanding its every facet.

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January 29, 2020
How Much is a Video Worth?

How Much is a Video Worth?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, can we put a number on a video? Believe it or not, the answer is yes. As a brand, it’s easy to shy away from video advertising or dismiss it all together. The tendency is to assume that the worth and effectiveness of video lands in that giant gray area of ambiguity. But videos have received a lot of attention in research recently.

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January 21, 2020
Data Resources (and Their Increasing Importance)

Data Resources (and Their Increasing Importance)

Introduction Based on what you’re looking to find, data (and information more broadly) are often entirely free. Now, this certainly isn’t true of trade secrets and the like, but otherwise there’s a lot to be gleaned from simply paying attention to current events and, where your own business is concerned, to consumer patterns. That’s what data really is when everything is taken into account – information we’re willing to acknowledge and, to the best of our ability, act upon.

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January 16, 2020
If Generic Ads Were Flavored, They’d All be Vanilla

If Generic Ads Were Flavored, They’d All be Vanilla

Shopping used to be more of a sport than a necessity. People would look forward to leisurely walking the malls, stopping in at each store to see if there were any good deals on things that might interest them. Well, that ship has sailed! Nowadays, everybody is in a hurry, and they want to spend every moment they can in the most efficient manner. We are now a nation of instant gratification, getting what we want now, and not having to wait until we happen to be in the right area of the store we suspect might have the merchandise.

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January 6, 2020
Top 5 Marketing Insights of 2019

Top 5 Marketing Insights of 2019

As the New Year approaches, the excitement for the coming year fills the air as we race to the finish line of 2019. But, in the advertising world, this anticipation can feel more like a race to the starting line as marketers hustle to glean as many insights as possible from the closing year in order to prepare for the one up ahead. Of all the marketing insights unearthed in 2019, there were a few we found particularly compelling.

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December 18, 2019
The Purpose of Attribution

The Purpose of Attribution

What is your target audience up to? Quite a bit, in fact. The prospective consumers you’re hoping to reach are doing all sorts of things at any given moment. Some are entirely disconnected from their various devices, while others are checking their mobile phones as tablets stream media content of some sort a foot or so from where they’re seated. Your audience may have a common interest in what you’re selling, but their online engagement is far from uniform.

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December 10, 2019
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