Multitasking Culture Gives Rise to Programmatic Audio

Multitasking Culture Gives Rise to Programmatic Audio

Take a look around. The next time you’re at a red light, count the number of earbud-wearing drivers you see. The next time the dog needs a walk, try to spot the elusive media-less runner. What type of content are busy parents consuming while they make dinner? What is everyone listening to these days? What’s the latest trend? More and more, the answer is: streaming radio stations, music, and podcasts.

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December 4, 2019
Collaboration in Advertising

Collaboration in Advertising

How much can any one person do entirely on their own? The question is, of course, rhetorical. Even the most competent human being presently moving about modern society is dependent on countless tradesmen, industry professionals, and laborers of all sorts to keep our civilization intact (well, mostly intact). Unsurprisingly, this logic also extends upwards. No single business can operate independently of thousands of others which jointly maintain the economy and serve the marketplace in their own ways.

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November 26, 2019
Video Advertising: The Digital Scene

Video Advertising: The Digital Scene

There’s so much of it - video footage, that is. The art/act of filming dates back well over a century… nearly a century-and-a-half, in fact. And during its early decades, the opportunity for an individual to create footage of their own was limited by the expense and relative unwieldiness of the available technology. Jump cut ahead a few generations and you’ll observe that the advent of smartphone technology has created an entire population of individuals capable of capturing life images via quality photographs and videos.

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November 20, 2019
Marketplace Behemoths and Public Perception

Marketplace Behemoths and Public Perception

As anyone with more than three hours of corporate experience has perhaps observed and noted, it is true that all major companies presently doing business have to exist in two ways: 1. In the public-facing way their customers know and expect; and 2. In a behind-the-scenes way that allows them to maintain a competitive edge. Now, wherever these two can overlap, they almost invariably do. But often these aspects of a company’s identity run necessarily and inevitably parallel to one another.

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November 12, 2019
Genius Monkey Now Integrated with NinjaCat

Genius Monkey Now Integrated with NinjaCat

Using multiple channels to execute your marketing strategy is, often times, a wise choice. But trying to understand and compare data from multiple channels (such as paid search, social postings, email, traditional marketing, etc.) can be overwhelming and very time-consuming. But how else can you capture all your marketing data in one place in order to gain “big picture” insights? Three words: Data automation aggregation. Data automation aggregators are third-party platforms that collect, clean, and consolidate data from multiple sources to create a single, manageable format of value-adding product information to boost insights.

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November 6, 2019
Genius Monkey Tenth Banana-versary

Genius Monkey Tenth Banana-versary

This month marks the 10-year anniversary of Genius Monkey. The Genius Monkey dream began back in 2009 when digital advertising as we know it today didn’t yet exist. In fact the word “programmatic” wasn’t an advertising term that was commonly used like it is today. Fun fact: Genius Monkey was one of the first organizations to coin the term “programmatic.” Pretty cool, right? As we celebrate this special Banana-versary, let’s look back on the past ten years of our company’s evolution.

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November 1, 2019
Dare to Do Digital-First

Dare to Do Digital-First

First Things First First impressions are certainly important. But in today’s world, where consumers are in control of their journey and spend over 50% of their time on a digital device,1 first impressions simply aren’t enough. Brands need to make a lasting impression, across multiple channels and devices, by following targeted consumers through the digital landscape of their personalized customer journeys. The future is digital–and consumers expect businesses to be digital as well.

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October 22, 2019
Check Out Our New Client Dashboard Features!

Check Out Our New Client Dashboard Features!

Here at Genius Monkey, we’re constantly innovating new ways to provide value to our clients for their digital programmatic ad needs. And one of the most important (and popular) offerings we’ve implemented over the years is a live dashboard for clients to track and monitor their ad efforts. We understand how important it is for clients to view the progress of their campaigns, but we also understand how complicated it can be to analyze raw data or granular reporting.

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October 16, 2019
Raising the Bar in Full-Service Fraud Prevention

Raising the Bar in Full-Service Fraud Prevention

Digital ad fraud is rampant across the globe, costing the advertising industry billions each year and deeply cutting into the bottom line of countless brands. Due to its uncanny ability to detect, evade and quickly adapt to any protection measures, ad fraud is nearly impossible to eliminate completely. However, marketers can greatly reduce the risk of malicious ad fraud interfering with campaigns by partnering with digital ad providers whose fraud prevention measures go above and beyond mainstream industry standards.

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October 9, 2019
Genius Monkey Awarded Top 10 Ad Management Solution Providers for 2019

Genius Monkey Awarded Top 10 Ad Management Solution Providers for 2019

Exciting news! Genius Monkey is honored to have been named among the Top 10 Ad Management Solution Providers of 2019 by Marketing Tech Outlook–a company devoted to sifting through and analyzing the latest marketing tech in order to name and list the top performers in various industry categories. Those chosen are first carefully evaluated by an esteemed panel of CEOs, CIOs, VCs, analysts, and MTO editorial board members before making the cut.

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September 20, 2019
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