Genius Monkey Assists Health Care Company to Boost Conversions by 58%

Genius Monkey Assists Health Care Company to Boost Conversions by 58%

A major US-based healthcare organization recently partnered with Genius Monkey in hopes of making needed improvements on some critical statistics. They were seeking help with reaching the most qualified candidates for their internal positions, increasing the number of employment applications, and reducing their time to hire. Goals Promote the employment branding and employment opportunities with nursing and physician candidates in several various fields of specialty Improve awareness of special hiring events within local markets Increase website visits Increase email marketing contacts Increase phone calls to recruiters Boost the number of incoming job applications Boost conversions Approach Continuous split testing with fresh, creative assets Retargeting to increase applications and interactions from current site users already visiting the career site from other channels (ie, organic, direct, paid) Initiating behavioral targeting to reach new candidates who hadn’t visited the career site Contextual targeting based on specific long-tail keyword searches Competitor conquesting and associated-website targeting Additional custom audiences and segments based on first and third-party data Results This healthcare organization saw an immediate improvement in the performance and service of their programmatic campaigns.

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June 28, 2019
Turning Data Into Dollars

Turning Data Into Dollars

Does it ever feel like you don’t get as much done now as you did in years past? If you’re like most Americans, you may need to evaluate just how much time you spend on your smartphone. According to recent data by the St Louis-based senior living community provider, Provision Living, we Americans are over-the-top with our phone use. As an example: On an average, we spend 5.4 hours per day on our phones Millennials spend 5.

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June 26, 2019
5G and Its Effect on Mobile Advertising

5G and Its Effect on Mobile Advertising

There’s a new revolution in the near future for mobile communications that will change the face of digital marketing. This year (2019) marks the worldwide launch of 5G! While it’s been a long time in the making, 5G devices will finally make an appearance on the market this year, changing the digital . With this advent, we’ll see 5G smartphones, tablets, always-connected PCs, and CPE deliver new, enhanced mobile experiences, which in the past were just not possible.

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June 21, 2019
Digital and Mobile Ad Spend Still Soaring

Digital and Mobile Ad Spend Still Soaring

This year, US advertisers will spend nearly $60 billion on programmatic display. By 2021, we estimate almost 88%, or $81 billion, of all US digital display ad dollars will transact programmatically. How fast is programmatic display growing? Digital and Mobile ad-spend continue to grow leaps and bounds. This isn’t someone’s guestimation; the numbers don’t lie, and, as they say, “The proof is in the pudding!” In 2016 the figures for digital ad spend reached $72.

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June 19, 2019
Jeremy Hudgens Addresses the Digital Summit Crowd

Jeremy Hudgens Addresses the Digital Summit Crowd

Genius Monkey has once again accepted the opportunity to share more of the knowledge we’ve acquired from our extensive research and development as a programmatic platform and digital specialists. Last month, our own Jeremy Hudgens, Genius Monkey’s CRO and Director of Client Solutions, participated in a webinar presented by Digital Summit. His goal was to provide others in the marketing industry with a basic knowledge of the digital programmatic process and the importance of proper attribution, as well as the need for advanced technology.

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June 12, 2019
OTT Advertising On The Rise

OTT Advertising On The Rise

At Genius Monkey, we’ve been serving video ads to connected devices for years– whether on CTV (Connected TV) via Apple TV, or a live-streaming show on your mobile device. Now that OTT (Over The Top) television has become as advanced as it has, Genius Monkey has officially separated out this channel for those digital marketers who want to go all in. Are OTT and CTV the same thing? First, let’s take a look at what OTT and CTV really are, and the differences between them.

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June 7, 2019
Video Popularity - See What Digital Can "Doo" For You

Video Popularity - See What Digital Can "Doo" For You

Can you imagine walking into a bathroom to do your “business” and just quietly sitting there until Mother Nature tells you you’re done? Of course not, because if you’re human, you always feel the need to do or read SOMETHING while you sit on that proverbial porcelain throne of glory! A recent poll of 2,500 adults, conducted by UKactive, revealed that: The average human spends one hour and 42 minutes a week on the crapper, or almost 92 days over a lifetime The average person heads to the bathroom twice a day to go number two, and six times to go number one That amounts to just over 15 minutes every day – or almost two hours a week on the toilet That’s 2,208 hours, which equates to about the time of Earth’s seasonal cycle 33% said sitting on the toilet was one of the only times they have to themselves Simply put, your average human spends as much time on the toilet as it took Sputnik to compete the first spaceflight in 1957, where it remained for 92 days.

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June 5, 2019
Genius Monkey Boosts Adventure Trip Bookings

Genius Monkey Boosts Adventure Trip Bookings

The digital marketing ad agency representing one of the premier Arizona-based adventure tour companies in the Southwest, specializing in invigorating and informative off-road excursions and outdoor experiences, recently partnered with Genius Monkey. They were seeking help with boosting ROAS, brand awareness and bookings for their client’s various adventure trips.

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May 31, 2019
Setting Up Conversions and KPIs (Part 3)

Setting Up Conversions and KPIs (Part 3)

In Part One and Part Two of this blog, we read about our abilities here at Genius Monkey to track and measure with proper attribution. Along those very lines, let’s take a look at the subject of Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) and how it plays a role in our measurement practices: DNI in Pixel Monkey Can be More Complex When Needed If there are only specific instances that need to be DNI’d, we can do that in Pixel Monkey (PM), which is an integral component of Omni Monkey, our digital ad optimization technology.

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May 29, 2019
Setting Up KPIs and Conversions Part Two: Tracking the Truth

Setting Up KPIs and Conversions Part Two: Tracking the Truth

In Part One, we introduced you to Pixel Monkey – the part of our Genius Monkey brain center that enables tracking and measurement through live reporting with conversion tracking and full attribution, along with built-in anti-fraud placement and protection. There are issues that pop up, and with the proper technology, these issues can be located and remedied. We Get to the Bottom of It We have had digital marketers that didn’t have as many conversions as they thought they should have, but because we were tracking other set KPIs, we could run our Pixel Monkey analytics to dive deeper than Google Analytics.

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May 24, 2019
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