Setting Up Conversions and KPIs (Part One)

Setting Up Conversions and KPIs (Part One)

At Genius Monkey, we are firm believers in full attribution tracking right down to the conversions that matter most. We drive the maximum number of engagements and conversions from as many networks, devices and mediums that we can. We also like to ensure that our methods of measuring the effectiveness of our ads remain unaffected by malicious fraud. Installing Google Analytics and Conversion Goals The process of installing Google Analytics (GA) is complicated because it’s different for every single client.

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May 22, 2019
Ad Targeting In Light of Today's Challenges

Ad Targeting In Light of Today's Challenges

In past blogs, we have covered several subjects related to ad targeting and how important it is to keep all your advertising ducks in a row. This is especially true with the challenges that present themselves to the programmatic digital industry in this day and age. Genius Monkey is very familiar with the challenges, and has developed effective ways to overcome them. Working with players across the advertising ecosystem, from the buy side with brands and agencies, to ad platforms, digital publishers and connected TV networks, we at Genius Monkey continually put our knowledge and technology to work so that we stay well-informed and ahead of the pack about what’s working, and what improvements still need to be made.

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May 15, 2019
Genius Monkey boosts concert ticket sales. Rockets ROAS 1100%

Genius Monkey boosts concert ticket sales. Rockets ROAS 1100%

A new city/venue has been added to the 2019 schedule of this renowned music, comedy, culinary and entertainment festival. They have come to Genius Monkey for help with brand awareness and boosting ticket sales, as this is their first year in the state of Texas.

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May 10, 2019


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May 8, 2019
What About the Little Guys in this Technological World?

What About the Little Guys in this Technological World?

As any savvy marketer knows, advertising technology has become so advanced and so specific, that some marketing performance agencies are feeling defeated by these advancements. They know that if they have plans to run with the big dogs, they’ll eventually need to hop off the porch, and that’s not always easy to do in this hi-tech industry! After all, the agencies that are thriving in this hyper competitive environment are those that don’t shy away from their problems.

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May 8, 2019
Looking Beyond Impressions

Looking Beyond Impressions

As anyone in the dating scene knows, first impressions matter, but they certainly aren’t everything. The same can be said for digital marketing. It’s great when anyone views your ad, but it’s even better when your target market views it, and better still when that view eventually leads to a purchasing decision. Today’s online buyers are savvy, not compulsive, so it’s essential to look at the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns holistically and adapt accordingly.

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May 3, 2019
Push them Over the Edge with Video

Push them Over the Edge with Video

In our extremely competitive e-commerce industry, some websites need to push hard and fast to get the sale right now, while other companies must somehow inspire the customers before winning them over, or to even put the idea in their heads to use their services. Videos attract 300% more traffic, and help to nurture leads A website is 53X more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video Including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by 80% Video increases organic search traffic on a website by 157% 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI Adding video to your emails can increase click rates by 300% 64% of users will convert after watching branded videos on social platforms One genre (amongst thousands) of marketing that has discovered the relevance and effectiveness of video as a marketing tool in ads, on the website or via email, is the travel industry.

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May 1, 2019
Step Aside Regular 3D, Texture TV is Coming

Step Aside Regular 3D, Texture TV is Coming

The Disney research and development team have once again taken technology to the cutting edge. They have developed a means by which a user can feel textures on a flat screen. Yep, you read that right! Researchers at Disney have developed technology that simulates textures on a flat screen to allow viewers to feel what they are watching. They are also researching the ability to use Texture TV on larger screens that could enhance movies as you watch them.

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April 26, 2019
American University Yields over a 52% Reduction in Cost Per Action for Enrollments

American University Yields over a 52% Reduction in Cost Per Action for Enrollments

A well-respected American university recently decided to partner with Genius Monkey in hopes of increasing enrollment and promoting plans for specific degrees. The university was also struggling with a specific degree program, and after seeing initial results from the branding campaign, they came to us to help support them with that “niche degree,” as well.

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April 24, 2019
New Trends - Digital Advances Still Not Slowing Down!

New Trends - Digital Advances Still Not Slowing Down!

2019 is upon us, and hopefully your digital marketing strategy is in full gear. At no time can you, as a brand marketer, ever stop advancing. Once marketing progress stops moving forward, it’s moving backwards. The competition is like a pack of angry dogs chasing after you, nipping at your heels. If you slow down they will catch you and eat you. The best way to keep track of your audience and keep them coming back is to personalize the service you offer and connect on a much deeper level.

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April 19, 2019
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