Don't Discount the Gamers!

Don't Discount the Gamers!

Anyone who knows Genius Monkey knows that we always do what we must to stay on the cutting edge of technology. In fact, it’s often us doing the cutting! One of the marketing fields rapidly coming to light is in the genre of games and gamers. Here’s why: eMarketer predicts mobile to top television in terms of daily screen time Many consumers will spend most of that time gaming Gaming fans using gaming apps spend a weekly average of 6.

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April 16, 2019
Big Data is Essential for Programmatic Success

Big Data is Essential for Programmatic Success

There has always been a looming question in the marketing industry regarding big data and the science behind it. The question is, how can you use this information to lead your audience to a particular product and convince them to buy it? Traditionally, this has been a very common quandary to which brands really haven’t had a common answer. In fact, in the past, to become a successful business, you may have had to cast your nets and pray for a good catch!

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April 12, 2019
Truck dealership uses Advanced Attribution and leads to 166% ROAS

Truck dealership uses Advanced Attribution and leads to 166% ROAS

A well-known truck dealership turned to Genius Monkey to establish a digital programmatic marketing platform.

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April 10, 2019
Anti Ad Fraud Registrations Are Growing Exponentially

Anti Ad Fraud Registrations Are Growing Exponentially

The TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group) program, of which Genius Monkey is a proud member and Registered Seal recipient, was established in 2014. It was designed to combat ad fraud, and has become increasingly successful in reducing invalid traffic in the supply chain of today’s digital advertising. Multi-year adoption of TAG’s seal programs continued to skyrocket with 102 companies receiving recertification of 139 existing seals Year-over-year increases of 176% in recertified companies Year-over-year 124% in recertified seals 37 companies recertified 62 seals in 2018 Nearly one in three (30 percent) of the recertified seals were awarded via an independent validation process, rather than self-certification In March of 2019, TAG recognized more than a hundred companies for having achieved not only their seal recertification for TAG’s Certified Against Fraud, but also Certified Against Piracy, Certified Against Malware, and Inventory Quality Guideline (IQG) programs.

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April 2, 2019
Leisurely Living Community Gets a Boost from Genius Monkey

Leisurely Living Community Gets a Boost from Genius Monkey

One of our clients put our programmatic platform to the test. Check out what we did, the data is pretty awesome. This happens all the time so see what we can do for you.

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March 29, 2019
Four Points to an Effective Video

Four Points to an Effective Video

There are as many kinds of videos as there are people to watch them. Some videos are based on data, while some are created right from the minds of the writer. The subject matter may be based on a gut instinct more than it is based on data. However it may have been created, you need to know if it’s going to do what it was intended to do – capture and keep the attention of those who watch it.

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March 27, 2019
Marketing Attribution

Marketing Attribution

If you’re a little confounded about the exact details of marketing attribution, don’t sweat it too much – you’re not alone! But, don’t wait too long to learn, or you’ll fall further behind the eightball. Here’s a few reasons why: 76% of all advertisers say that they currently have, or will have within the year, the ability to use marketing attribution 34.1% of businesses don’t use any attribution model to measure marketing performance 25% of advertisers have stated that the main reason they haven’t adopted data-driven attribution yet is because of structural and organizational challenges Up until a few years ago, tracking your success with attribution was a relatively simple funnel.

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March 22, 2019
Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value

In this digital age of marketing, the competition is high, as are the stakes. Not only is it important to target and acquire customers, it’s even more essential (and sometimes more difficult) to hang onto them. Customer lifetime value (CLV) is defined as a measure of the present value of future cash flows attributed to the customer relationship. Analyzing the CLV of each prospect can get pretty tricky, especially in light of how difficult it can be to convert a customer from a lead to a purchaser.

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March 20, 2019
The Automotive Industry and Mobile Shoppers Join Hands

The Automotive Industry and Mobile Shoppers Join Hands

If automotive brands and dealers want to flourish in today’s digital programmatic landscape, they need to pay a great deal of attention to the flourishing population of mobile consumers. To ignore them would be sacrificing a huge part of the market, and here’s why: Nearly 60% of car shoppers will visit a dealership after researching a car online 70% of consumers are willing to watch or interact with a video on their mobile device to learn more about the cars they are considering purchasing 61% say that they consider relevant auto ads helpful when shopping for a car 41% report being very likely to click on an auto ad during the car-buying process According to Jeremy Hudgens, CRO and Director of Client Solutions at Genius Monkey, “Car buyers now look at their smartphones as essential components in the process of purchasing a vehicle.

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March 15, 2019
Effective Videos Mean Higher Conversion Rates

Effective Videos Mean Higher Conversion Rates

If you’ve been on the Genius Monkey website recently, you’ve probably seen a number of videos that we offer on various topics regarding digital programmatic. That’s because video is progressing rapidly and will reach new heights sooner than most people would ever imagine. Here are a few statistics that iterate the point: You are 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website Studies show that 74% of users who watched an explainer video about a product, subsequently bought it A product video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80% Since 2013, video views on mobile have increased more than 233% 98% of users say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service For skippable video ads, the industry average is a 9% completion rate.

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March 11, 2019
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