IAB's Pitch to Congress for Federal Privacy Legislation

IAB's Pitch to Congress for Federal Privacy Legislation

As we have mentioned in blogs past, Genius Monkey is proud to be a member of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), which is the national trade association for the digital media and marketing industries. As such, we take great interest in any legislation that deals with the privacy and protection of our nation’s digital Internet users. We are behind the efforts of the IAB in their recent appeal to Congress for federal privacy legislation to prohibit harmful data practices, and encourage compliance programs.

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March 8, 2019
Google+ is Going, Going, Gone!

Google+ is Going, Going, Gone!

In December of 2018, Google announced that they would be shutting Google+ down for consumers in April of 2019. Google indicated that the reason for the shutdown is two-fold; first, because of low usage … and second, there were challenges when it came to security breaches. On April 2nd, all Google+ accounts and Google+ pages that you have created will cease to exist, and they will begin to delete content from consumers’ Google+ accounts.

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March 1, 2019
What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 5) Measurement, Validation and the Purchase Journey

What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 5) Measurement, Validation and the Purchase Journey

This is the last in a series of blogs entitled, “What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey?” At Genius Monkey, we take things like measurement and validation very seriously, as well as low-quality traffic, click fraud and brand safety issues. First, we rely on Omni Monkey to act as a filter to protect against anything that looks outside of the norm Second, it’s filtered through third-party validation sources like DoubleVerify, Comscore, Nielsen, etc.

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February 27, 2019
What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 4) Maximizing Ad-Spend

What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 4) Maximizing Ad-Spend

In the last blog (Part 3) we discussed the sources from which we gather data here at Genius Monkey. From credit card companies to grocery stores, they are collecting data in order to better serve you the ads and discounts you may be looking for. Monitoring your credit through Experian offers the same thing, and when we look at things like free email providers, within the terms and conditions of you signing up for that free email, you’re saying, “I agree to allow you to market to me, for products or services, for yourself, Google, AOL what have you.

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February 22, 2019
What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 3)

What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 3)

One of the major keys to Genius Monkey’s success, is making sure we get your ads in front of the right people. One of the ways that we’ve aligned ourselves with our clients (or with our partners, as we like to refer to them), is by making sure that we’re going after the right crowd. That’s simply because if we don’t get in front of the right people, they’re not going to click on the ads.

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February 20, 2019
What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 2)

What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 2)

In the last Genius Monkey blog, we covered brand interaction and examined where our clients’ ads show up. In this blog we’ll look at the power of tracking via email, as well as the costs of effective, relevant advertising. Not only is this an intriguing subject, it’s revelatory to anyone who is exploring the possibilities of adopting a programmatic platform of their own, and how many ways we have to place content in front of their targeted consumers at the right place and time.

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February 14, 2019
What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 1)

What is it Like to Chat With a Monkey? (Part 1)

One of the challenges that we face as marketers in general, is that a lot of things have changed as far as what the consumer requires. The numbers (not too long ago) were five to twelve brand interactions for a customer to feel comfortable doing business with a particular brand. In 2013 the study showed that shoppers required 28 + brand interactions in order to feel comfortable. However, that number quickly became obsolete when another study from a slightly different angle showed that one auto buyer’s path to purchase required over 900 + brand interactions!

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February 13, 2019
Funnier Than a Barrel of Monkeys

Funnier Than a Barrel of Monkeys

As our readers may or may not know, March 1st, 2019 is the first annual National Digital Programmatic Humor Day (known as NDPH Day). To get your ad humor started in the right direction, the digital programmatic specialists at Genius Monkey are throwing some chuckles your way! We are Geniuses At Genius Monkey we are all monkeys. That’s because we share our Amazon Account with one another. That makes us prime-mates, right?

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February 8, 2019
Generation Z is Growing Up!

Generation Z is Growing Up!

The first thing that people usually ask about Generation Z is how old they are, and between what years would they have been born in order qualify as Gen Z members. As in most areas of life, the lines between each generation are usually blurred, but generally, Gen Z members are made up of anyone who was born between 1996, right up to present-day. A good reasoning to follow is that if someone remembers the change from the 20th century to the 21st century, then they are not Gen Z, they are probably Millennials or Baby Boomers.

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February 6, 2019
Unify Your Customer Data and Get to Know Your Customer

Unify Your Customer Data and Get to Know Your Customer

Customers respond in a positive fashion when they feel special and important to the brand. In this quest for personalization, marketers are faced with a myriad of marketing technology choices. And while there is a wide selection of tools available for improving customer interactions, there is one essential ingredient to achieve personalization – one underlying tool in the toolbox that can act as a force multiplier across all personalization efforts – unified customer data.

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February 1, 2019
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