Why Marketers Should Pay for Clicks, Not Impressions

Why Marketers Should Pay for Clicks, Not Impressions

The web lingo that we use today can be somewhat perplexing; even to some seasoned marketing experts! While most marketers know the difference between organic optimization and pay-per-click campaigns, fewer know the difference between an ad “impression” and an ad “click,” and where their benefits lie. An ad impression is when your ad appears in front of an internet user on any screen, and from anywhere in the world. A click-through is when someone places their cursor over your ad image and clicks on it, taking them to your site.

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July 20, 2018
Evolving Consumer Search Habits

Evolving Consumer Search Habits

Mobile searches for (describe what kind) shoes for (what purpose) — (as in court shoes for racquetball) have increased by over 120% over the last two years!1 Shampoo, for instance, is a highly-searched item, but shampoo for (describe kind) — (as in shampoo for dry hair) has increased by more than 130% over the last 24 months.2 Also, over the same amount of time, mobile searches with the qualifier “for me” (as in best car for me) have increased over the last two years by 60%.

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July 13, 2018
Programmatic Enters the Ride Share Business

Programmatic Enters the Ride Share Business

In 2016, the McKinsey report on monetizing car data predicted that a new startup company called Cargo would be worth $750 billion globally by the year 2030. They are certainly on their way. Six years ago, Uber made its debut to the world, introducing a way that made it easy for people to make some extra cash by simply driving their car. Now, there is another ingredient thrown into the Uber and Lyft soup, and that is a startup company called Cargo.

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July 6, 2018
Digital Video Advertising Still on the Uptick

Digital Video Advertising Still on the Uptick

Consumers of today have been empowered with the ability to pick and choose what type of ad experience they want. In the meantime, Advertisers are stepping up their game to create a deeper engagement and better storytelling with their ads. Ads that lend to a greater understanding and higher confidence … moving beyond traditional ad impressions. The answers lie in digital video advertising. According to the fifth annual Digital Content NewFronts: Video Ad Spend Study 2018, close to 60% of marketers’ digital advertising budgets are allocated to digital video.

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June 29, 2018
Are Today's Ads More or Less Relevant?

Are Today's Ads More or Less Relevant?

There are a great number of online shoppers that feel like over the past two years, digital ads have become more relevant; this, according to research by Adobe Digital Insights (ADI)1. This should come as no surprise, as the programmatic targeting technology has advanced a great deal, enabling marketers to target with an increased precision. The study by ADI concluded that nearly 50% of 18 to 19-year-olds, and 57% of the 20 to 36 crowd feel this way.

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June 21, 2018
Utilize Personas to Personalize Your Marketing

Utilize Personas to Personalize Your Marketing

One of the most crucial components of programmatic marketing is that advertisers must know who their target audiences are. Trying to reach the masses without narrowing down the field can only hinder your marketing efforts by widening your swath and losing your laser focus. It can be difficult to reach your entire targeted audience without giving in to ineffective generalizations. And this is where buyer “personas” come into play.

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June 14, 2018
The Future of Programmatic Advertising

The Future of Programmatic Advertising

Last year, in 2017, programmatic became a decade old. The success of this targeting marketing tactic has been astounding, to the point that experts have begun to speculate as to what the future holds for programmatic. According to Jeremy Hudgens, CRO at Genius Monkey, “I think that if we could jump ten years into the future, we would find that programmatic marketing wouldn’t be just one form of advertising; it would be THE form of advertising.

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June 8, 2018
Genius Monkey's GDPR Update and Certification

Genius Monkey's GDPR Update and Certification

At Genius Monkey, we’ve worked hard to set the bar in programmatic marketing solutions that place our clients on the marketing map. We want to always maintain the reputation that we have as the “bar-setters” of the programmatic world. Part of what allows us to make this claim is that we work diligently to maintain the trust of our clients as we take all the steps necessary to protect their sensitive information.

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May 31, 2018
Another Step in the Battle Against Ad Fraud

Another Step in the Battle Against Ad Fraud

We at Genius Monkey are proud to join an elite group of companies that have earned the TAG Registered Seal from the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG). As one of the early adopters of this certification, Genius Monkey recognizes how crucial it is to add to the ecosphere of trustworthiness in the ad industry. We understand the importance of clients feeling confident that their advertising platforms are protected from malicious bots and other fraudulent activity, and that their advertising efforts are going to be clean all the way through the marketing process.

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May 24, 2018
Video Content That Converts

Video Content That Converts

Good video content is a great vehicle for getting better conversion numbers. It is a very impactful component in strategic conversion. It’s a powerful manner in which to communicate the story of your brand, make clear your value proposition and fortify customer relationships, as well as prospects. According to recent research, video content is not just an “effective” tool anymore, it’s a component, but the pace with which it is being demanded is growing rapidly.

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May 17, 2018
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