Ad Blockers, Not Such a Bad Thing

Ad Blockers, Not Such a Bad Thing

Recently there has been a movement by many consumers to install software that blocks ads. These “ad blockers” are utilized to automatically remove unsolicited online advertisements. Some of the ads that get blocked include web banners, embedded audio and video, and pop-up windows. But, is this a good thing? Ad blocking disrupts those who earn their livelihoods from the online marketing industry. This field includes editors, publishers, journalists, columnist and content creators.

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March 14, 2018
Mapping the Path to Conversion

Mapping the Path to Conversion

When mapping your customer’s path to conversion, attribution tracking is key. Using detailed attribution tracking, we integrated with Ticketmaster and were able to track the precise number of tickets sold for a particular professional sports team, as well as the value of each one. The results were a return of a whopping 572%, which was between 200-300% increase when compared to their success with other marketing efforts. While working with a subscription-based B2B online program, we used attribution tracking and were able to increase additional conversions by 276%.

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March 8, 2018
Franchise and Multi-Location Marketing

Franchise and Multi-Location Marketing

Brand marketers of today are fortunate to have the advancements of digital programmatic technology to get their message to those who are ready to hear it. There is one group of marketers that encounter a special set of unique speedbumps to overcome, though. If you happen to be a franchise owner, you have most likely encountered difficulty with your digital marketing plan. This is very common, as franchise marketing presents more challenges than the traditional route.

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March 1, 2018
Search is important, but content is King!

Search is important, but content is King!

When we have questions in life … about anything, we tend to go to a trusted source to discover the answers. It could be a member of our family, a teacher or a good friend–someone we really know well, and who knows and understands us, too. Another trusted source we turn to for answers is digital online search, and the content that follows. Common is the school of thought that no matter how specific your question may be, there are answers to be found online.

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February 22, 2018
Neutral is Negative in the Mobile Environment

Neutral is Negative in the Mobile Environment

Have you’ve ever heard the phrase, “If you’re standing still, you’re moving backwards?” This applies to many aspects of life, including mobile brand experiences. The two most crucial elements to customer satisfaction are Speed and Relevance. Validated by recent research, it was revealed that there is a third component which advertisers must take into account: In the world of mobile marketing, “neutral” experiences are not really neutral … they are more negative than anything else.

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February 15, 2018
Changes to Organic Ranking

Changes to Organic Ranking

According to a new analysis, it takes an average of 22 seconds for a mobile landing page to fully load.1 But, 53% of searchers will abandon the mobile site if it takes longer than three seconds to load.2 This is somewhat of a dilemma! In fact, as a page’s load time increases, the likelihood of a bounce also increases substantially. As a page’s load time is extended from one second to anything higher, the bounce rate increases accordingly:

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February 8, 2018
Consumer Search Behaviors in 2017

Consumer Search Behaviors in 2017

There is a lot of information to be learned by following the bread crumbs left by the consumers. Some of these “crumbs” come in the form of the top searches of 2017, which helps marketers to better understand the dynamics of search in 2018. By taking a look at the top searches, we learn about the consumers’ needs, wants, and where their interests lie. We know that in 2017 they looked extensively for eclipse glasses, they wanted to know how to make “slime” for their kids, and they wanted to know how they could help the hurricane and flood victims.

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February 1, 2018
What All Businesses Can Learn from the Auto Industry

What All Businesses Can Learn from the Auto Industry

The automotive industry has made huge strides over the past decade. This growth can be attributed to multiple factors, including the technological innovations, the emergence of autonomous vehicles, the ever-so-popular ride-sharing platforms, and new businesses such as Tesla, who has made the retail process more seamless. All of the reasons that they have prospered are the exact reasons why all businesses would prosper. These concepts are not exclusive to the auto industry, but let’s use them as an example.

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January 25, 2018
No Decision is Too Minute for Mobile Search

No Decision is Too Minute for Mobile Search

Nobody could ever argue the fact that consumers of today are obsessed with research. As an example, the search for “best” has increased by more than 80% over the last two years! In addition, 51% of all digital ad budgets in 2016 were spent on mobile. Inbound marketers have been following the increase in mobile marketing for years. But, in light of how ingrained mobile devices now are in our lives (as both consumers and professionals), and the fact that we can now specifically target individuals who are more likely to make a purchase, using a programmatic platform, it really is no longer a “trend,” but more of a “staple.

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January 18, 2018
Genius Monkey's Top Blog Posts in 2017

Genius Monkey's Top Blog Posts in 2017

Genius Monkey has experienced a stellar 2017. That’s wonderful, but 2018 is shaping up to be an even greater one! To gain a better insight into what transpired last year for this ever-growing digital programmatic tech company, let’s take a look back at some of the top blog posts of 2017: [ ](/blog/profits-over-campaign-metrics/" "" >}} Profits Over Campaign Metrics Over the past decade, the marketing industry has experienced a paradigm shift when it comes to mobile.

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January 11, 2018
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