Monitor Your B2B Customers' Journeys

Monitor Your B2B Customers' Journeys

Mobile is continually growing, playing an integral part in the Business to Business (B2B) customer journey. So much, in fact, that today, 50% of B2B search queries are initiated on smartphones. By the year 2020, this figure is expected to increase to 70%. In addition, mobile drives, or at least, influences, an average of more than 40% of revenue throughout the top B2B companies. The consumers of today are not making a comparison of your business to other businesses; they’re comparing your services to the best experiences in digital marketing they have ever had.

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October 27, 2017
Ho-Ho-How to Market for the Holidays

Ho-Ho-How to Market for the Holidays

The days of summer are gone and the holidays are coming on quickly. If your holiday marketing plan isn’t in place, you’d better get rolling! Let’s first take a look at two of the most dominant devices; mobile and desktop, and what the digital landscape looks like for them. According to comScore data, in 2016 during the months of November and December, there was a 44% increase in mobile ecommerce retail sales over the same time in 2015.

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October 19, 2017
It's a Constant Battle for Consumer Attention

It's a Constant Battle for Consumer Attention

Over the last 20 years, the cost of buying just one minute of a consumer’s attention from a television ad in the United States has gone up by 700%. Conversely, the percentage of advertisements that are considered to be “fully viewed” with a high factor of attention has decreased from 97% in the early 1900s to less than 20% just a few years ago. It’s no mystery that every brand marketer has one goal in mind, and that’s to catch the attention of consumers.

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October 12, 2017
Digital Trends Shaping the Digital Landscape

Digital Trends Shaping the Digital Landscape

1. Omni-channel marketing Today in the United States, 35% of companies currently have an Omni-channel marketing strategy. Of the businesses that do not, 27% intend on implementing one shortly. Additionally, 70% of businesses that have this strategy believe that it is imperative for their success. However, 38% of businesses do not see the importance—yet. As most marketers know, the advertising industry is constantly changing, along with the technology that’s continually being upgraded and improved.

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October 5, 2017
Four Video Ad Trends Happening Right Now

Four Video Ad Trends Happening Right Now

Mobile has been driving its way to becoming the most preferred way to watch video. According to recent research, in the fourth quarter of 2016 mobile devices saw 54% of all video starts. This figure is up from 52% in the third quarter, which is a substantial rise in just three months. ZenithOptimedia recently reported that global consumers are currently spending close to 20 minutes per day watching videos on their mobile devices.

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September 28, 2017
Welcome to the Future of Advertising

Welcome to the Future of Advertising

The advertising industry is constantly being turned upside down with the implementation of new technology. These new breakthroughs include virtual reality, social media and wearables. Not only is technology changing, but the consumer behavior is also migrating towards these advancements, along with the entire advertising industry. As a case in point, this year (2017) digital advertising is expected to outperform television advertising for the very first time, bringing in $202 billion in the process.

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September 21, 2017
Online Presence Equates to Success

Online Presence Equates to Success

Where do you use your smartphone? If you’re like most people, you use it everywhere! Case in point: 91% of smartphone users look up info while right in the middle of a task. 69% of online consumers agree that their perception of a brand is influenced by quality, timing, or relevance of a company’s message. 82% of smartphone users turn to their phones while standing in a retail store trying to decide which item to purchase.

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September 13, 2017
You Simply Must be Everywhere

You Simply Must be Everywhere

A company must be present in all places in order to reach its marketing objectives, assuming those objectives are lofty. But, bigger is not always better. Let’s look at Google, as an example. They are a huge network, and they average 3.5 billion searches a day. Why, just with YouTube alone there are 5 billion videos watched daily. While these numbers sound very impressive, are they covering all the medium bases?

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September 7, 2017
Speed Matters

Speed Matters

Utilizing a deep neural network (a system that has been trained to think like the human brain and nervous system) loaded with a large set of bounce rate and conversion data, researchers were able to determine the rate at which users dropped off as a page loaded. As the load times went from one second to ten seconds, the users were incrementally likely to bounce at this rate: 1 to 3 seconds - the likelihood of a bounce increases 32% 1 to 5 seconds - the likelihood of a bounce increases 90% 1 to 6 seconds - the likelihood of a bounce increases 106% 1 to 10 seconds - the likelihood of a bounce increases 123% This research left little doubt that the faster a page loads, the better chance there is of a conversion.

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August 31, 2017
Be There in the Moments that Count

Be There in the Moments that Count

Did you know that: Compared to a year ago, smartphone users are 50% more likely to plan on purchasing something using their smartphones to compare availability, prices or customer reviews. Over the last two years, toothbrush searches have increased over 80%. Over the last two years, “best” toothbrushes have increased over 100% Over the last two years, mobile searches for “best” have increased by 80%. We are now 50% more likely to depend on our smartphones to make spur-of-the-moment purchases than we were last year.

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August 24, 2017
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