Is Your Business Following the Marketing Trends of 2015?

Is Your Business Following the Marketing Trends of 2015?

Because of advancing technologies and online innovations in a now digital world, buyers today are more sophisticated and knowledgeable, especially in the business arenas. They are well educated on the products and services that you offer before ever contacting your sales team to discuss making a purchase. The sources that these B2B (Business to Business) shoppers refer to are generally varied, however some of the most popular means of content research are:

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September 18, 2015
Football Season Equals Marketing Madness

Football Season Equals Marketing Madness

It’s kickoff time for the long-awaited football season, and the brand marketers are gearing up their strategies to reach out to the fans that are eagerly anticipating watching the games and creating the buzz. This is the “salmon run” of advertising, when the audiences’ attention is there for the taking. It seems that the popularity of the National Football League has grown in leaps and bounds and is at an all-time high.

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September 11, 2015
13 Habits of Highly Successful People

13 Habits of Highly Successful People

If you’re anything like the average person, you have experienced frustration in the form of procrastination, stress and everyday distractions. It’s completely normal to fall into these pits of aggravation. Have you ever wondered how the world’s most successful people handle these everyday nuisances? Surely their frustration is equal, if not much, much greater than those who have fewer responsibilities. So what are the habits they keep in order to stay sane in a world of chaos?

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September 4, 2015
Wearable Technology Meets Programmatic

Wearable Technology Meets Programmatic

Wearable technology may be fairly new to the marketplace, but the idea certainly is not. Those of you who are old enough to remember the Dick Tracy television series, probably remember his special wristwatch. This futuristic piece of equipment allowed headquarters to communicate with him, offering information and instructions on his next assignment. As is usually the case, the future has caught up with the comics, and has even surpassed them!

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August 18, 2015
Understanding the Optimize Sales Funnel

Understanding the Optimize Sales Funnel

A funnel is typically used when pouring one item from one container to another container, gathering the substance at the wide top and condensing it into a narrower stream so that it easily flows into the secondary container without spilling over. At Genius Monkey, we use the funnel as a metaphor to describe the sales process from the very first contact of a potential customer, to the final purchase of the service or product being offered.

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August 17, 2015
Reaching the Masses

Reaching the Masses

No matter what goods or services that marketers are trying to push, the end goal is to connect with the right people at the right time. In order to make this happen, brands are embracing the programmatic platform in order to engage consumers and earn their brand love. Here are three resolutions for brand marketers who are implementing programmatic in 2015. There are several changes that have occurred in the marketing industry over the last decade, but one thing remains constant: the desire to engage the right people at the right time.

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July 13, 2015
Advertising Terms

Advertising Terms

It’s hard to keep up with today’s marketing innovations and the advertising terms that describe them. That’s why Genius Monkey is ready to step in and handle your ad campaign for you. Knowing all of the ins and outs of the ad industry is our business, and we are known for being the best and most up-to-date at what we do. For those who are somewhat new to today’s marketing world, here are a few definitions that may help:

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July 12, 2015
Programmatic Explained

Programmatic Explained

There is no doubt that programmatic has changed the face of online marketing nor is there any doubt that Genius Monkey is on the frontline of innovation to incorporate it into the advertising campaigns of their clients. Programmatic Explained Programmatic Advertising is the automation of the buying and selling of desktop display, video, FBX, and mobile ads using real-time bidding. The term “programmatic” describes how online campaigns are booked, flighted, analyzed, and optimized by way of demand-side software interfaces and algorithms.

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June 17, 2015
Connect with the Millennials

Connect with the Millennials

There are generational names for people born here in the U.S., starting with the Lost Generation (born between 1883 and 1900). Next came the G.I. Generation (born between 1901 and 1924). Then came the Silent Generation (born between 1925 and 1942). The Baby Boomers were next (born between 1943 to the early 1960s). The next generation was called Generation X (born between early 1960s and the early 1980s). Finally came the Millennials (born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s).

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June 16, 2015
Non-Human Traffic affects Your ROI

Non-Human Traffic affects Your ROI

Stand around the ad industry’s water cooler long enough and you’re bound to hear the topic of non-human-traffic (NHT) arise. And that shouldn’t come as a surprise! Each month millions of advertising dollars are lost because of some form of this “no-count” traffic. What is NHT? Non-human traffic is a fraudulent practice that exists in the digital ad industry. In a nutshell, NHT is online traffic that is generated by a “bot” rather than an actual person.

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May 4, 2015
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