Targeting the Right Consumers

Targeting the Right Consumers

For years, marketers have been trying to sell their goods and services by advertising to the general population, hoping that someone in the crowd would want or need what they’re touting. That’s like rowing your boat out onto the lake with the hopes of catching, let’s say, a rainbow trout. Even though you’re not sure that rainbow trout even live in this lake you’re on, you place a mini marshmallow (who doesn’t love marshmallows?

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January 15, 2015
Finding the Right Consumers

Finding the Right Consumers

For years, marketers have been trying to sell their goods and services by advertising to the general population, hoping that someone in the crowd would want or need what they’re touting. That’s like rowing your boat out onto the lake with the hopes of catching, let’s say, a rainbow trout. Even though you’re not sure that rainbow trout even live in this lake you’re on, you place a mini marshmallow (who doesn’t love marshmallows?

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January 1, 2015
Engage One on One with Programmatic

Engage One on One with Programmatic

It’s no secret to anyone in the marketing field that advertising is most effective when the three R’s are achieved the Right message to the Right person at the Right time. It used to be that this could only happen if there was a “perfect storm” that would result in all of the components to coming together. Traditionally, brand marketers could only offer campaigns that hit generic segments of an audience, with little relevant targeting.

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December 15, 2014
Smart, Effective, Efficient Marketing

Smart, Effective, Efficient Marketing

The evolution of the marketing world has led to a much higher level of efficient branding. This new, innovative technology offered by Genius Monkey can be leveraged by brand marketers, allowing them to reach out to their specific targeted consumers. Online video advertising has stepped forward as a main player in this new wave of effective programmatic advertising. Digital video advertisements are stepping leagues ahead of traditional television ads. In addition, video creates the highest number of click-through rates of any other advertising platform.

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December 1, 2014
What is an Ad Impression?

What is an Ad Impression?

An ad impression is a measure of the frequency with which an ad is seen. It is sometimes referred to as an “ad view.” Every time an ad is displayed on a webpage, it counts as one impression. The number of impressions an ad receives depends on the number of times a page is located and loaded. 200 milliseconds is the life span of a programmatic ad impression. Here is how it works:

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November 20, 2014
Ways to Identify Your Target Market?

Ways to Identify Your Target Market?

In order to market what it is that your business has to offer, it’s not only helpful, but imperative, to identify your target market. If you have a small business, and want to stay competitive with the bigger guys, you must zero in on those who will most benefit from what you are providing. There are those who say that they are targeting whoever has an interest in their products. There are those who narrow it down slightly and say that they want to reach out to fathers, or college students, or homeowners.

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November 15, 2014
Join the Programmatic Movement

Join the Programmatic Movement

The world of electronic media is continually changing, morphing into new, improved mediums for advertisers to peddle their goods. In this day and age, virtually every media platform has been permeated by programmatic ad buying, and amongst those taking notice are the brand marketers. Last year (2013) these marketers spent over $3 billion purchasing programmatic ads. What’s more astounding is that experts estimate that within the next three years, this number will soar to $8.

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October 1, 2014
Make Your Ad Dollars Count

Make Your Ad Dollars Count

There are a lot of people tossing around the term “Programmatic” these days. Nonetheless, not everyone who has adopted this buzzword actually understands just what it is. The idea of programmatic advertising spans a broad range of technologies that have virtually automated the methods of purchasing, placing and optimizing advertising. The human element has been replaced. Phone calls, faxing and lunch appointments are no longer a necessity for buying and selling advertising.

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September 15, 2014
New Technology for Online Advertising

New Technology for Online Advertising

The technology that drives online advertising is continually improving. In an effort to make the purchasing of ad space more efficient, new methods are constantly being tried and tested. Currently, those that buy media ads are leaning heavily towards making programmatic buying a part of their online marketing program. Real-time bidding is the backbone of programmatic buying, and last year the revenue from this RTB reached $1.6 billion. It is speculated that by the year 2017, 34% of all display-advertising revenues will come from RTB, and soon, programmatic buying will be a must for anyone who purchases media.

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September 1, 2014
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