All About FAST—Free Ad-Supported Television

All About FAST—Free Ad-Supported Television

How many TV show and movie subscription channels are you paying for right now? From Disney+ to HBO Max and Netflix, you’re probably paying $8-12 per platform each month. That adds up. As subscription costs keep rising, so does the popularity of a different platform: FAST. What is FAST? FAST stands for free ad-supported television. Examples you may know include Roku TV, Pluto TV, and Tubi. You can watch live news or a continuous loop of your favorite TV show.

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January 25, 2023
If You Give a Marketer a Cookie…They’re Going To Want It Forever

If You Give a Marketer a Cookie…They’re Going To Want It Forever

Why are so many marketers talking about the cookie? Didn’t Google wipe out cookies this year? Well, not quite. There’s a lot of talk in the digital advertising world related to cookies, privacy, and restrictions, and we’re here to give you all the updates and info you need. Goodbye Cookies The word “cookie” usually refers to the data saved online that can store and remember information about you. When you visit a website, cookies could track your online activity.

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January 18, 2023
What Every Ad Needs – Tips From Our Team

What Every Ad Needs – Tips From Our Team

What’s an advertisement you’ve seen in the last week that you can remember? It may not be as easy as you think to remember a digital or online ad. In fact, many people tune these advertisements out of their mind, even when many appear on the screen in front of their eyes. How then, do marketers stand out? No, it’s not with a trendy TikTok dance or ALL CAPS FONT.

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January 11, 2023
It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

You can be targeted based on where you live. You can be targeted based on age, religion, favorite toothpaste brand, and more. As advertisers, we use targeting points like this to match consumers/viewers with the best advertisements—the ones they are most likely to engage with and buy from. But one of the most important ways to target is almost too obvious, yet many overlook its importance: targeting with search intent.

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January 4, 2023
The Top Things We Learned in 2022

The Top Things We Learned in 2022

While 2022 had its challenges, like transitioning from a pandemic and adapting to post-pandemic marketing, it also had its rewards and learning experiences. Genius Monkey continues to grow, not only with clients and success stories, but also with new team members and greater recognition in the marketing industry. This is what we’ve learned in 2022 that you should take with you into the new year. Ad Sales on the Rise Despite coming out of a pandemic, advertising continues to grow.

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December 7, 2022
The 12 Days of Boosting Your Business

The 12 Days of Boosting Your Business

This holiday season, whether you have your marketing strategy ready or you need a little help, pay attention to what your favorite brands are doing. Use the time now to keep track of what you like and dislike when it comes to advertising—and save that information for next year’s holiday plan. We’ve put together our top 12 tips for boosting your business, both during the holidays and throughout the entire year.

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November 30, 2022
Naughty or Nice? Is Your Holiday Advertising as Good as It Could Be?

Naughty or Nice? Is Your Holiday Advertising as Good as It Could Be?

This is the best and busiest time of year to make the most of your ad dollars. You may think this season is too “chaotic” or unpredictable, but it’s actually one of the most important times for your advertising strategy. Instead of putting your advertising on pause until the New Year like some companies do, take advantage of the next few months to show others that your brand and business can do it all.

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November 15, 2022
Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it may be the best time for you to advertise. Thanksgiving is about heartfelt moments with family, eating amazing food, and finally buying that thing you’ve always wanted. It’s the sweet-spot holiday between Halloween and Christmas where consumers will be ready to buy. This holiday is the optimal time to buy before Christmas time, which may be deemed “too late” for some customers.

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November 2, 2022
5 Spooky Ways You’re Scaring Off Customers

5 Spooky Ways You’re Scaring Off Customers

At this time of year, most people like the tricks and the treats. But when it comes to your business and the customer experience, you want to avoid anything ghastly. That’s why we’ve put together the top things you may be doing that could be scaring off your customers. They may be avoiding you like the plague if you are making these grave mistakes or if you don’t offer them the best experience possible.

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October 18, 2022
Netflix and Disney+ Race to Release Advertising Options

Netflix and Disney+ Race to Release Advertising Options

This Fall may be the busiest season for streaming television, as Netflix and Disney+ prepare to release their new ad-supported tiers in November and December, respectively. This year alone, 55.1% of Americans cut the cord and moved solely to streaming services. It’s interesting to note that 74% of young people ages 18-34 have never had cable, cut the cord, or plan to cut the cord soon. The Advertising Plan Details This ad-based model will be cheaper than the other subscription plans and cost $7.

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October 12, 2022
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