Smart Phones and Tablets are Rich Tools for Brand Marketers
Smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming the television-watching companion of choice. People in general are now using their alternative screens to search for information about whatever they happen to be watching on their television or monitor.
Long gone are the times that one would have to go to the library to look at an encyclopedia to learn, for instance, how old a particular actor is. No longer must we call someone in other parts of the world to find out how the weather is. Now, anytime we want to grab onto any piece of knowledge, whether trivial or major, we just grab our smartphones and ask them! The answers come instantaneously.
People constantly search Google for answers to all kinds of questions, even while they are watching television. These micro-moments of searching on their second screens present a barometer for just what people are thinking, what they are curious about and what they want to explore while they watch their show.

There is a certain beer company that played some very emotionally heart-tugging commercials during Super Bowl XLIX. Within minutes, that commercial became one of the most searched for items on smartphones around the world. These I-want-to-know moments are a great opportunity for brands to be present, relevant and gain insights.
According to Nielsen, the average adult in America watches more than five hours of television daily. Interestingly enough, they are not keeping their eyes glued to the TV. Statistics reveal that approximately 84% of smartphone and tablet owners utilize their devices as a second screen while they watch their programs. Of the 84%, 12% of them are searching for discussions about TV shows on social media, and more than double that number, 29%, are searching for information related to the show they are watching.
Marketers are presented with a great opportunity to target these second-screen watchers. They are actively seeking information on their tablets and phones, and the search patterns over the last year reveal a great deal of useful data.
Real-Time Campaigns Used to Reach Second Screeners
Marketers can develop compelling campaigns by increasing, or amplifying value to, what people are searching for when they turn to their second screens. Television watchers often like to learn more about what they are watching, and these moments of curiosity are the perfect opportunity for brands to capture their interest.
As last year’s Oscars approached, the Google Play team examined the search behaviors from previously aired award shows. They found that the searches for award-winning movies in all categories instantly peaked, with the duration of the increased search interest lasting about 15 minutes after the award was presented. Keeping that in mind, Google Play served real-time ads that congratulated the individual winners as each award was announced, when interest was the highest. Using these second-screen search insights as a place to start, the campaign experienced an increase of 19% in click-through rates for the real-time ads, as compared to the control ads.
Ponder the ways in which your brand can connect in real time. Explore the various manners in which Genius Monkey can leverage your brand to connect with the targeted searchers.

TV and Digital Marketing Working Hand in Hand
Over 65% of smartphone users say that they turn to their phones to learn more about something they saw on a television commercial. If a television ad is effective, it can stimulate micro-moments in which your customer is searching for more, whether it is product info, prices, reviews or product details. It’s during these moments that offer brands the perfect opportunity to provide an engaging experience for the viewer. Here are some “best practices” for your consideration:
- If you’re running television ads, be sure that you maintain a digital presence while they are running … especially on mobile devices. You want to be able to take advantage of the demand your ads create.
- The importance of general category terms should not be minimized. People are as likely to search for a product in a general category, as they are to search specifically for your brand. If you’re not using category terms, you might be giving up business to your competitors.
- Help yourself by helping your consumers. Make it easy for them to learn more by synchronizing your ad copy and landing page with your television ads. This helps potential customers get more information, making your business the most likely choice.
A strong digital programmatic presence can help your brand connect with potential customers at the very moment their interest is piqued. Research reveals that two-thirds of smartphone owners use their phones to get more information about something they saw in a television commercial.
Second Screen Data Can Gauge TV Ad Effectiveness
The amount of search traffic you get can be a dependable gauge of the effectiveness of your TV ads. Knowing how consumers respond online when they see your ads on television takes a great deal of speculation and guesswork out of buying TV media. The search traffic should be measured during different time slots, programs and ad quality in order to help brand marketers determine what its best performing ads are, and during which time of the day.
Always Aim for the Second Screeners
Watching television is no longer just about “watching.” Today’s viewers are in control of their media choices, which helps them decide when to engage and how deeply to do so. The viewers want to know more than they see on TV; they want to know the whos, whats, whys and how muches! As they search their second screens, your ads should be there, waiting to flash your message to them and provide them with what they are looking for.
These second-screen moments are a great opportunity for marketers who choose to make the best out of them. Having a clear understanding of how TV and digital can mesh together can assist marketers to determine just how they can build more relevant campaigns and how they can get the biggest bang from their media buck!