In the complex landscape of today’s media, an agency plays an integral role in guiding their clients in the direction of success, helping them put together and launch an effective digital ad campaign. Agencies, however, don’t come in a one-size-fits-all package. To be a standout, they must be on the very edge of innovation, offering the latest technologies and advancements in cross-channel analysis, as well as other abilities.
In order to see success for their clients’ ad campaigns and deliver the latest innovations and technology, agencies need a programmatic partner they can rely on—one that complements their unique strengths as the trusted strategic guide for their clients. And remember that picking a partner and staying with them is crucial if they are effective for your campaign. Data is power, and every time you switch partners, the snowball effect places your data stream on hold, and you must start the efforts anew.
In order to run a true omni campaign, tracking it the way you need to and remaining fraud-free and successful, would take a virtual village. It’s much more effective to find a great programmatic partner like Genius Monkey, that already has all the tools and capabilities in place.
Here are a few tips to help agencies select the right programmatic partner:
Pick a partner with omnichannel capabilities

It’s absolutely critical that you find someone who has the capability to serve through all the mediums and devices. Because, if you’re not covering all the devices, you’re going to be hurting; whether you’re mobile-focused or desktop-focused … or even tablet-focused! By not covering everything, you’re missing opportunities to stay in front of your audience. And this is even more so with different mediums. If you were just doing native ad content, or just mobile aps, ads or content sites, or even specific content that you believe to be relevant to your brand, you reduce your ability for positive outcome. You do this by limiting yourself to a single area, or not allowing for a mix amongst all those various devices and media outlets. That’s why it’s so critical, because the possibilities are so truly limitless in their dynamic … they’re constantly changing. The agencies that are lacking these tools in their testing ecosphere will never know what may have been successful.
Mark comprehensive training as a must-have

A fully-trained and supportive team is essential in order to execute on a campaign. There are several pitfalls along the way. So many, in fact, that honestly the network’s changes in DSPs could work against you if you’re not careful. You certainly don’t want people to have the experience with a system in which it is far easier to waste money than to be profitable. It takes special skills, talents and a strong knowledge base to be able to properly execute a campaign.
A small to medium-size company that spends approximately 300K or more a year in digital would have to spend about 390K per year to run in-house and bring on new employees … and that’s if you can even find them, since they will need extensive training and knowledge in the programmatic world. Otherwise, your own digital marketing will turn against you; not to mention the fact that it will take a lot of time to build out some basic algorithms so you can actually begin to work with the data you do end up with. Then, there are server costs, health care, taxes, E&O insurance—and the list goes on.
Prioritize innovation and strategic thinking

Somebody that has had the experience won’t necessarily have all the answers about where the market is going, but will have good insight. But, in order to stay ahead of your competitors, you must really stay on top of new innovations. This is critical for success. And, for that matter, it’s as important, if not more so, to be able to evaluate new innovations and new tactics as these new tools appear within the space, in order to avoid them just in case they’re just opportunities to just flush your clients’ money away.
Elevate analytics to a priority, not an afterthought

Complete analytics based upon full view-through attribution, and the affect that it has on the success of the campaign, is critical in order to have an edge on your competitor. Far too many companies are making their decisions based on less than one-half of one percent to five percent of the data.
Find the right partner you can trust, and let them do what they do best, so you can focus on tapping into their knowledge and doing what YOU do best—selling your product.