At Genius Monkey, we are firm believers in full attribution tracking right down to the conversions that matter most. We drive the maximum number of engagements and conversions from as many networks, devices and mediums that we can. We also like to ensure that our methods of measuring the effectiveness of our ads remain unaffected by malicious fraud.

Installing Google Analytics and Conversion Goals
The process of installing Google Analytics (GA) is complicated because it’s different for every single client. At Genius Monkey we are digital marketing specialists; we get INVOLVED and we work with our clients, helping them establish and become familiar with their Google Analytics conversion goal setup.
Because every website is so different, it’s extremely complicated for the average user to set up their GA and conversion goals. And, if you’re creating goals that need to be customized, where it’s not like a simple “Hey, they visited this page,” but it’s a group of pages they visited, perhaps, or clicked a button and because there was no page that actually loads, it just fires JavaScript on their website. Those are extremely hard to set up through Google Analytics unless you have a full-blown I.T. department that can do it. It requires a great deal of learning and understanding.

Cross-Linking Different Domains Can Also be Troublesome
A lot of companies have their website on their main domain, but when you go to check out, you’re directed to the shopping cart in a third-party domain directly or via iframe. So, tracking any type of conversion with that setup is usually extremely hard to do, and sometimes impossible. Pixel Monkey, the proprietary brain center of our attribution tracking and measurement technology, does it because we built it just to solve these types of issues. But, you have to make sure that you’re cross linking or you’re not going to get the right data back. That’s what “cross-domain tracking” is.
Simplified, if you run an ad and the user comes to one website, and they end up checking out or making a purchase using a pre-setup shopping cart on a different domain (so they may see the company’s name.checkout.com), it’s really happening on checkout.com, but it has the name of the establishment before that, so it looks like the store’s domain.

We Can Tie Google Analytics and Pixel Monkey Together
We support clients that use Google Tag Manager and Adobe Tag Manager. We tie Google Analytics and Pixelmonkey goals together to ensure that they follow the same rules. In cases like these, the trigger logic is handled entirely by Pixelmonkey, and cuts out the time needed to recreate the same requirements in GA.

Conversions and KPIs
Conversions and key performance indicators (KPIs) are essentially the same thing. KPIs are a list of indicating actions that you want to track, so they’re all types of “conversions.” We do hard conversions and soft conversions. Soft conversions should be indicators one would take to funnel their way through to a hard conversion, such as:
- They were on the site for x minutes
- They added something to their shopping cart
- They may have read a certain blog page, etc.
Hard conversions are when users do something like:
- Fill out a form
- Make a purchase
- Fill out a finance application, etc.
So, you can’t just say, “let’s track purchases” because when doing it like that, you can never truly understand the entire path to conversion if you’re just tracking that final purchase. What are they doing, and what can we change?
In part two, we will explore more advantages of the Genius Monkey platform and the technology we use to make it work for us.