January 24, 2024

What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

Gen Z is growing up; they’ve been the transition generation for some time, and now more than half of them have reached adulthood. As their purchasing potential grows, it’s time to take notice of how, on what, and where the iGen spends their money so you can know how to better speak to their wants and needs. Let’s take a look at the data so you understand the youngest generation of adults and how their buying brains think.

Gen Z Shops Online… All the Time

Around 32% of Gen Z engage in some kind of online shopping every single day. 52% of Gen Z prefers to shop online instead of in-store, and some studies report that number is continually increasing as online stores add features like buy-now-pay-later systems.

When they are in a physical store, Gen Z will still turn to online sources for reviews, details, and other options. Every generation does this, but the iGen leads the pack; one study reported that 43% of Gen Z will run a Google search on a product they see in store, while 36% of Baby Boomers will do so. In addition, Gen Z is far more likely to scan QR codes and almost 5 times as likely to search for brand information on social media.

52% of Gen Z prefers to shop online instead of in-store, and some studies report that number is continually increasing. 52% of Gen Z prefers to shop online instead of in-store, and some studies report that number is continually increasing.

The Role of Social Media

The younger crowd is inseparably connected to the world via social media; an estimated 94% of the generation uses social media to some extent, and 26% of them are glued to their mobile device for over 10 hours a day. Uniquely, Gen Z will remember and purchase products they were introduced to on social media. TikTok (35%), Instagram (18%), and Facebook (10%) are the three most popular social media sites where these kinds of product introductions occur.

However you decide to approach your own page, serving targeted ads on social platforms remains vital to winning over the younger audiences. Genius Monkey users needn’t worry about doing anything extra; our system places ads in front of your ideal audience wherever they go, including their favorite social media platforms.

94% of the younger generation uses social media to some extent, and 26% of them are glued to their mobile device for over 10 hours a day. 94% of the younger generation uses social media to some extent, and 26% of them are glued to their mobile device for over 10 hours a day.

Other Notable Characteristics of Gen Z You Should Know

They Respond Well to Personalization

Members of Gen Z prefer to be recognized as individuals. More than other generations, they prefer the brands that give personalized attention that feel uniquely tailored to them on a personal level. When asked about their favorite brands, 84% of Gen Z will note the ones that treat them as individuals with distinct needs.

More than other generations, they prefer the brands that give personalized attention that feel uniquely tailored to them on a personal level. More than other generations, they prefer the brands that give personalized attention that feel uniquely tailored to them on a personal level.

Data Security is a Priority Paradox

As the generation that never knew a world without the internet, most members of Gen Z have been online their entire lives. Privacy and online safety are an interesting topic for Gen Z; on one hand, 74% of the generation indicated that protecting their personal data is of significant importance to them. On the other hand, another study reported 74% said they’re willing to share their hobbies and interests if it gets them better ads and services.

Contrast this to the Baby Boomers, 88% of whom will opt-out of personalized ads if they have the option. If you can guarantee that their data isn’t going to be in reach of shady actors, Gen Z is far more accepting of behavioral tracking that serves them more relevant ads, and 3x as likely to opt-in. Genius Monkey does this through strict GDPR and tracking compliance, so users can easily guarantee data security to their clients.

They Dive Deeper Into Subjects They Care About

When Gen Z finds something they like, they tend to binge. They want to consume as much as they can, learn everything there is to know about it, and then share it with friends so they can binge on it too. Once that period of interest wanes, they look for something new to focus on.

The first impression is vitally important; this is when they decide whether your message is worth paying attention to, otherwise they’ll move on looking for the next binge-able subject. More than any other generation, Gen Z will read and write reviews on products, services, and businesses.

Research suggests that the iGen averages only 8 seconds with their choice of media, and an even tinier 1.3 seconds with advertisements. Research suggests that the iGen averages only 8 seconds with their choice of media, and an even tinier 1.3 seconds with advertisements.

Putting it into Practice: How to Market to Gen Z

Present the Information They Want Quickly

On your website, in your social media, and especially in all your ads: make sure the offer is front-and-center. Research suggests that the iGen averages only 8 seconds with their choice of media, and an even tinier 1.3 seconds with advertisements. Online advertising has been a part of media consumption their entire lives, and they’ve learned to tune it out, skip, or scroll past if something immediately useful isn’t presented quickly.

Be Genuine in Your Interactions

Gen Z cares deeply about dealing with humans instead of cold, calculating corporations. Take every chance to show that they matter to you both as customers and as people. You can do this with a casual tone in your ad and website copy, social media content, quickly responding to comments, and acknowledging fault when something goes wrong. Delivering a uniquely tailored experience will go a long way toward earning their trust and respect, thus gaining you a loyal advocate.

Demonstrate a Respect for Their Privacy

Transparency is key when collecting data from your Gen Z consumers. If they know exactly what you need and why you need it, they will generally be comfortable with giving more information. Adopt a zero-party policy, which is gathering only the bare minimum required for you to give the best service. Be ready to answer questions on exactly how you are keeping your collected data safe from outside influences.

Diversify Your Advertising Portfolio

Gen Z is everywhere; they’re on all kinds of social media, they’re playing video games, watching movies and shows on streaming services, and listening to music or podcasts as they shop online. The best thing you can do to reach out and be noticed is being everywhere all at once with a diverse ad strategy. This type of diversity can be achieved through the Genius Monkey platform that has access to unlimited inventory across all devices.

Marketing for the Next Generation

Gen Z is no longer up-and-coming; they’re here, they have powerful purchasing potential, and the time is now to learn how they tick. Whether you’re working with an exclusively iGen audience or just dipping your toes into marketing for the younger generations, Genius Monkey is here to answer all your programmatic questions. Come talk to us today and see how we can help you evolve your digital advertising to the next level!

Interested in learning more about how Genius Monkey can boost your conversion rates today?

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