All Colleges And Educational Institutions Can Benefit From A Programmatic Ad Plan
No education advertising campaign is complete without a little personalization. Our programmatic advertising platform helps boost enrollment marketing for colleges, universities, technical institutions and trade schools by programmatically targeting (and individually hitting) audiences made of potential students. We do this by matching audience profiles to specific student demographics to find the most ideal candidates to view your college ad campaigns.
Native &Social
Let's Get Started
How Genius Monkey’s Programmatic Solution Works For You
Delivering your message with the highest propensity to engage at the lowest possible cost
Placing ads directly in your customer’s path, leading them to where they need to be
A proprietary set of algorithms that assures that our optimization occurs in real-time
All Campaigns are monitored by a team of managers keeping AI in check
Genius Monkey assures the school’s digital ads are seen on all prospective students’ device screens and channels, at optimal times of day, for maximum exposure. We do this through:
Video ads
Real-time display
Streaming Audio
OTT and Connected TV (CTV) ads
Retargeting ad strategies
Social media ads
Native ads
What are the Cost Benefits of Our Programmatic Platform?
When you advertise to the right kind of audience, you don’t have to worry about wasted ad dollars. Through our proprietary advertising platform, we find quality audiences for your digital ads before your campaign even begins. Then we display your targeted higher education ads in front of those viewers as often (and in as many places) as possible, but only charge you on a cost-per-action basis. This means you only pay per-full-view (or per-click) on video and display ads, which can:
Greatly reduce your cost-per-sale by targeting and optimizing ads for potential students only
Generate viable leads through customized ad engagement and student needs
Guarantee your ad spend isn’t wasted: any ads which don’t receive full-views or clicks are free-of-charge
Give you real-time education ad results for better precision and attribution data to help guide future campaign decisions and successfully track your true cost-per-conversions
How Do We Find Prospective Students?
Genius Monkey programmatic college advertisement plans help with enrollment marketing by targeting customers who’ve shown an interest (in one way or another) in higher learning. We do this by layering offline customer demographics and actions with online consumer activity to provide you with the highest level of audience-targeting for your college or trade school advertising efforts. Our proven results allow us to reach more targeted prospects at a much lower cost than traditional methods, all while examining relevant student insights like:
Whether or not they’re qualified for enrollment
Whether or not they need financial aid to cover tuition costs
Any online research they perform (such as course programs)
When they browse your competitors’ websites...and much more
What Does the Entire Process Look Like?
When advertising for schools, our process is both thorough and measurable. OmniMonkey (our proprietary performance optimization engine) makes adjustments in real-time to bids, ad-types, outlets, and locations in order to optimize performance. Here’s a brief overview of our unique programmatic advertising process for your university, college or higher education enrollment marketing needs:
We work with you to set up a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to use as our attribution benchmarks for tracking and measuring individual ad performance.
After identifying target demographics, we gather information from behavioral databases and run it through all selected channels.
Our algorithms thoroughly process the data before delivering the highest-quality, targeted student profiles for your institution.
Your ads are then served to all channels, networks and devices, and optimized to convert prospective students at the lowest cost possible (according to the benchmark KPIs we set up earlier) before returning you to a higher ROI or ROAS.
Finally, you can login to our live client dashboard and view all reporting in real-time, including full attribution tracking down to a single ad!
Watch The FHU Case Study Video
An Ad Platform Built For Results... Proven Results!
Reach more targeted people for less, with proven tracking, attribution, and optimized real-time
programmatic display and video ads.
Measurement & Validation
Proof is in the pudding. Live
reporting with conversion
tracking & full attribution.
Built-in video anti-fraud
placement & protection.