

Customer Service and the Importance of Fully-Managed Platforms

Customer Service and the Importance of Fully-Managed Platforms

Targeted advertising has solidified itself as the king of digital marketing. Approximately 87% of all digital ad spend is devoted to programmatic, and nothing can get that popular without a few alternatives rearing their heads. To the crux of the issue: self-service vs. fully-managed programmatic platforms. There are many qualities that separate these two distinct tools of targeted advertising, and this article is going to take a deeper look at a key element that divides them: customer service.

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May 22, 2024
Early 2024 News Highlights: Sizmek Destruction, Soaring Netflix Ad-Tier, and Google’s Privacy Sandbox

Early 2024 News Highlights: Sizmek Destruction, Soaring Netflix Ad-Tier, and Google’s Privacy Sandbox

Netflix Reports Large Increase in Ad-Supported Streamers With former password-sharers still eager for Netflix content, the addition of a cheaper, ad-supported tier seems to be just the right medicine. In January, Netflix announced over 23 million active monthly users on the commercial-driven version of the service. Compare this with the November 2023 report of 15 million; that’s an increase of 8 million active users in two months! Last year, ad-supported customers made up about 5% of Netflix’s total user base; now they represent almost 9%.

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March 27, 2024
How Will AI Revolutionize the E-commerce Space?

How Will AI Revolutionize the E-commerce Space?

Today’s modern landscape opens up tons of possibilities for business owners and marketers, especially those running things completely online. A myriad of tools are available to help even a solo-operated e-commerce business keep up with the big players, and many of the newest toys are powered by AI. Let’s take a closer look at how artificial intelligence is affecting the e-commerce industry and how you can take advantage of it moving forward!

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July 26, 2023
Press Release: Digiday Names Genius Monkey as Finalist for Best Measurement Solution

Press Release: Digiday Names Genius Monkey as Finalist for Best Measurement Solution

In our latest article published on Yahoo! Finance and Martech Cube, about Digiday selecting Genius Monkey, a programmatic ad platform and Meta-DSP, as a finalist for their 2022 Technology Awards. Genius Monkey is a finalist in the “Best Measurement Solution” category. The Digiday Technology Awards “recognize the technology modernizing media and marketing. Digiday has honored industry-leading work from Adobe, SpotX, Twitch and Piano.” Winners will be announced virtually on November 17.

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October 10, 2022
Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Do you understand the difference between data and insights? Are you really understanding your data, or do you have surface-level knowledge that can be improved? In an Adweek article by Anastasia Leng, she warns against doing the same thing multiple times without ever “validating if it’s having the intended result.” Leng says many have easy access to metrics without the right tools to differentiate them. Simply put, just because something can be measured doesn’t mean that data should make the decisions for you.

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June 29, 2022
Are My Devices Really Listening to Me?

Are My Devices Really Listening to Me?

You’re sitting at home, having a conversation with someone about a restaurant or a new piece of clothing you want to buy. Two minutes later, you see an advertisement on your phone for that same exact restaurant or clothing store. How does your phone know what you’re saying? Is there a microphone, constantly listening for buzzwords and then rapidly bringing you ads for those things you talk about? Advertising these days can be pretty advanced, but when you look at life in general, everything is very interconnected.

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April 20, 2022
Business vs. Brand: What’s the Difference?

Business vs. Brand: What’s the Difference?

When you think of popular brands, what are the first that come to mind? What makes a brand successful—is it their popularity, their sales, or their humor? These days, for a brand to be well-known (or even noticed), they need to have an online presence. In Celtra’s Brand Excellence playbook, they said it best: “Brands that want to supercharge their growth increasingly turn to digital marketing, as evidenced by double-digit increases in the percentage of digital advertising spend out of total media ad spend every year since 2019.

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March 29, 2022
Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

How do you get the right message to the right person? With targeting, of course. But once they’ve come to your site or clicked on your ad, the real targeting begins. It’s not enough to “lead a horse to water”—in digital advertising, you need to know exactly what type of water that horse likes, when they drink water, what kind of supplements they need in their water, and more.

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March 23, 2022
Human Oversight is Still a Must

Human Oversight is Still a Must

AI is a boon to programmatic advertising, and the “intelligence” in artificial intelligence is getting smarter each day. However, because AI algorithms aren’t able to experience emotion or base decisions on gut instinct, there will always be a need for human oversight to help govern AI technology and ensure proper decisions are being made. Intelligence without oversight isn’t enough When the late Kobe Bryant passed away earlier this year, social media and news agencies went wild reporting the tragedy.

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September 16, 2020