

The Current State of Advertising in Podcasts

The Current State of Advertising in Podcasts

Back in 2022, IAB predicted that podcast ad revenue would surpass $4 billion in 2024. We’re now in May 2024, and IAB has released a new report granting advertisers insight into the current state of podcast advertising. Is the industry still on track to hit that $4 billion milestone? What do advertisers need to know about targeted ads and consumer tracking in the podcast medium? Let’s dive into the report and learn about what podcast advertising can offer your business.

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June 5, 2024
The Price of Network Consolidation: What the New Sports Streaming Service Could Mean for Advertisers

The Price of Network Consolidation: What the New Sports Streaming Service Could Mean for Advertisers

In a stunning move, three big names in the world of live sports streaming are teaming up to build a “new and exciting platform” launching later this year. Disney, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery are all contributing to a new yet-to-be-named streaming entity in an unprecedented partnership that aims to streamline (or monopolize, depending on how you look at it) the sports-viewing experience. This has the potential to upset the way many marketers reach their audience through sports broadcasting and programmatic OTT, but Genius Monkey users have nothing to worry about, and can even look forward to the exciting new marketing opportunities it provides.

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April 3, 2024
Telly’s “Free 4K TV” Hail Mary and Why Advertisers Should Take Note

Telly’s “Free 4K TV” Hail Mary and Why Advertisers Should Take Note

In early 2023, a startup called Telly boldly declared its intention to revolutionize the television industry. Many took notice because the founder and CEO is Ilya Pozin, the former CEO of the wildly successful Pluto TV streaming platform. Even more stand-out was the novel approach to selling televisions: giving them away at no charge. The basic premise is to sell ad space on the TV that subsidizes the cost of the panel itself.

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February 7, 2024
Expand Your Reach with Audio Ads

Expand Your Reach with Audio Ads

In the wake of 2020, it seems consumers can’t get enough of digital audio. With over 200 million listeners in the US, digital audio is now ranked among the top most-popular digital activities for American adults, directly behind video. Because of this growing momentum, more and more marketers are updating their campaign strategies to include audio ads–and you should too. Rising opportunities with programmatic audio Thanks to podcasts, audiobooks, music and online playlists, streamed audio content has seen massive growth in recent years, as have programmatic audio ads.

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May 26, 2021
What Marketers Can Expect for 2021

What Marketers Can Expect for 2021

The year of 2020 has been a wild ride and it’s still going strong. This year has thrown marketers from every industry for a loop when it comes to customer patterns and advertising predictability, and while much of what we’ve learned this year has come at a high cost, we’ve learned a plethora of lessons involving consumer behavior, trends and overall ad effectiveness–and savvy marketers are continuing to adapt their campaign strategies accordingly.

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November 10, 2020
Emerging Programmatic Frontiers

Emerging Programmatic Frontiers

Gaming and music and apps…oh my! There’s a brave new world taking shape across the programmatic landscape, and it comes in a host of new platforms and channels for advertisers to explore. But not before gearing up for the journey. So plug in. Power up. And get ready…to play. Social media on the decline Smart devices have become a regular part of daily life, with the average person spending at least four hours on their phone per day and more than 65% of Americans using multiple installed apps in that time.

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September 30, 2020
The Strength of Audio Ads in 2020

The Strength of Audio Ads in 2020

While 2020 has brought dramatic changes to the ad market, one medium is still going strong and continues to climb: audio ads. Programmatic audio ads allow advertisers to reach target audiences beyond screens, thereby expanding their reach and potential conversions. And 2020 is the year to start including these powerful ad types to your marketing campaigns. Why? We’ve got a few powerful reasons for you to consider, along with the latest statistics proving just how influential audio ads are in today’s market.

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July 14, 2020