
#Display Ads

Which Programmatic Mediums Grew the Most in 2023?

Which Programmatic Mediums Grew the Most in 2023?

Programmatic advertising has cemented itself as the premier digital marketing avenue, representing the vast majority of digital ad spend in 2023 – the exact percentage depends on who you ask, but the lowest we found was about 80%. Not only is it big, but the numbers also confirm that it’s growing. Programmatic covers a variety of mediums, all of which experienced their own ups and downs worth examining. In this week’s blog, we’re taking a look at how the mediums collectively and individually grew in the year 2023 – as well as comparing them to Genius Monkey data – so you can know the trajectory of industry moving forward.

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May 8, 2024
Telly’s “Free 4K TV” Hail Mary and Why Advertisers Should Take Note

Telly’s “Free 4K TV” Hail Mary and Why Advertisers Should Take Note

In early 2023, a startup called Telly boldly declared its intention to revolutionize the television industry. Many took notice because the founder and CEO is Ilya Pozin, the former CEO of the wildly successful Pluto TV streaming platform. Even more stand-out was the novel approach to selling televisions: giving them away at no charge. The basic premise is to sell ad space on the TV that subsidizes the cost of the panel itself.

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February 7, 2024
Tech Times Names Genius Monkey Best Display Advertising Software

Tech Times Names Genius Monkey Best Display Advertising Software

Tech Times is an editorial site that focuses on technology, business, and how they intersect and impact the market. In their mission to bring you the latest news in tech innovation, Tech Times recently took a look at the various players in the programmatic advertising space. In a July 4th, 2023 article, Tech Times announced their rankings for the top 5 best display advertising software, which features some heavy hitters and familiar names.

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July 6, 2023
How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

We can’t see the future, but you can prepare for it now so your e-commerce brand remains resilient through an unexpected downturn. Whether you’ve been working on a plan already or are just now looking into building economic security, here are four strategies for optimizing your online store to build and secure brand loyalty: Create a Frictionless Shopping Experience The less friction shoppers experience navigating your store, the more likely they are to stay there (and away from competitors).

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June 21, 2023
5 Major Marketing Trends… Are They Worth It?

5 Major Marketing Trends… Are They Worth It?

To follow, or not to follow? What marketing trends are really worth putting your whole energy into these days? We’re here to give our recommendations—based on our years of data and experience in the programmatic ad space—about which marketing trends lead to a payoff versus which ones may be a waste of time. This isn’t a “one size fits all” blog, though—in the end, you have to make the decision regarding your own strategy.

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June 14, 2023
The Key to Making a Sale is Not Actually Selling; It’s This

The Key to Making a Sale is Not Actually Selling; It’s This

The customer is smarter, faster, and more educated than ever before. They want a better customer experience that includes all the information they can get their hands on. How do we do that? By giving them value. At every touch point, we should leave customers “wiser and more confident in us.” You can boost retention and make your customers loyal fans. This article covers how to do that and more.

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June 6, 2023
Press Release: Lessons Learned From Users With the Best ROAS in Their Vertical

Press Release: Lessons Learned From Users With the Best ROAS in Their Vertical

Digital marketing often feels like a guessing game, but it doesn’t have to. The promise of programmatic marketing is turning a broad announcement into a hand-delivered letter straight to those who could use it most – no guesswork needed. That personal approach is achieved through gathering copious amounts of industry data and, most importantly, knowing what to do with it. In our latest article published on AP News, Yahoo! Finance and MarketWatch, we recently pulled statistics from 30 of our top performing users, focusing specifically on the ones that yielded the highest return on ad spend (ROAS) for their digital efforts.

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May 17, 2023
Prices Are Even Lower at Genius Monkey – 2023 First Quarter Analysis

Prices Are Even Lower at Genius Monkey – 2023 First Quarter Analysis

Our clients have been enjoying some of the best prices we’ve seen in the last two years! Why is this? Straight to the nitty-gritty; it’s because we have been working hard on our optimization algorithms and features along with integrating even more inventory through new networks, direct deals, and DSPs. This helps Genius Monkey continuously drive down costs with our unique media-agnostic approach, reaching consumers on any device they use.

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May 2, 2023
All About the Video Ad... and How to Make Them Work!

All About the Video Ad... and How to Make Them Work!

How many hours a day do you spend watching videos? The number is probably higher than you’d guess. On average, Americans spend almost two hours a day watching video content. Whether you’re watching your favorite TV show or a how-to video on YouTube, video content is everywhere, and it’s not going away. Advertisers are utilizing this more than ever before, creating video content that’s captivating and engaging. Today we’re talking about video—from different types of video ads to the ideal length of time your video should be.

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April 18, 2023
What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

We know you want the best. How do we know that? Because that’s what we want, too. We are only interested in giving our best, every time. No cutting corners, no surprises. That’s why we’re sharing our step-by-step process when it comes to your campaign. We’ll walk you through what to expect and what you’ll get with Genius Monkey. Let’s start with YOU. The most important part. Meeting Genius Monkey When you meet with Genius Monkey, you’ll share your goals and your marketing history so we can better understand your vision.

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March 28, 2023
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