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Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Recent Study Shows Display as the Backbone to Digital Marketing

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Recent Study Shows Display as the Backbone to Digital Marketing

As a leader in programmatic advertising, Genius Monkey knows that a well-rounded strategy includes display first and then other programmatic services added on to complement display. In fact, data shows that display campaigns are the backbone of almost every successful digital marketing media plan. Genius Monkey recently conducted a study in which we took a large sample of clients who were running multiple programmatic mediums (display, video, audio, OTT/CTV, etc) at once to analyze how each medium yielded conversions working together, and the results were no surprise to us!

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January 19, 2022
The Proof is in Programmatic: How We've Grown in the Last 3 Years

The Proof is in Programmatic: How We've Grown in the Last 3 Years

The Internet came to life 38 years ago. The first iPhone was released 14 years ago. The first television advertisement was a 10-second video during a baseball game in 1941, 80 years ago. It may seem like many years have passed, but all of these developments, from TV to cell phones, appeared in the last 100 years and have changed our lives forever. Soon after these inventions came advertising on these devices.

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December 15, 2021
Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Did you know the story of The Tortoise and the Hare is actually an amazing marketing analogy? Most businesses want to be the Hare—speedy and instantaneous. But in the marketing world, where the race is a conversion cycle, the Tortoise wins every time. Why? Because the tortoise is patient, steady, and smart. We’re sharing our best tips for understanding the conversion cycle, what a typical conversion looks like, and how you can feel more confident in your marketing efforts, from first impressions to final clicks.

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December 8, 2021
Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

In marketing and advertising, we know that the more you know, the more you can optimize and succeed. When it comes to attribution and reporting, knowing the full picture about a potential customer can be the difference between landing a solid conversion and losing a crucial lead. While other OTT & Connected TV marketers claim to provide thorough attribution, what you may not know is that they may not be giving you the whole picture.

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November 3, 2021
Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Over the last few years, there have been several changes to how browsers handle first and third-party cookies. And now it looks like it might be time to say goodbye to third-party cookies for good. Yet the largest internet browser, Google Chrome, just announced that it is delaying its rollout of removing cookie tracking from mid 2022 until mid 2023 in an attempt to make sure they get things right.

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June 30, 2021
Your Customers Are Not Robots

Your Customers Are Not Robots

The most important factor when working to improve your return on ad spend is relevance. Brand relevance must be prioritized to succeed in any marketplace, but it’s even more crucial to maintain your pertinence in a market currently experiencing significant swings due to unforeseen events, such as ours. So how can advertisers stay relevant in today’s world? And who determines what is (or is not) relevant anyway? Both questions have the same answer: the consumer.

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April 7, 2021
Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Over the last several decades, we’ve seen huge advances in technology that have raised the bar for global markets faster than most businesses have been able to keep up with. Thanks to social distancing measures, these jumps in technology are occurring more rapidly today than ever before, and more and more brands are turning to such advances in order to keep their businesses viable and relevant during this time of drastic change for industries throughout the world.

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March 3, 2021
What Marketers Can Expect for 2021

What Marketers Can Expect for 2021

The year of 2020 has been a wild ride and it’s still going strong. This year has thrown marketers from every industry for a loop when it comes to customer patterns and advertising predictability, and while much of what we’ve learned this year has come at a high cost, we’ve learned a plethora of lessons involving consumer behavior, trends and overall ad effectiveness–and savvy marketers are continuing to adapt their campaign strategies accordingly.

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November 10, 2020
Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

For luxury brands, loyal relationships and the revenues they bring in are everything. As Genius Monkey has advocated for years, programmatic doesn’t just sell $10 tubes of makeup and Happy Meals at McDonald’s … it also sells $30,000 diamonds and $500,000 homes. American short-story writer and novelist, F Scott Fitzgerald, famously wrote, “The rich are different from you and me.” Comparatively, high-ticket items are different from other goods, too. They do take longer to sell, but by implementing digital programmatic, the ROI and sales numbers are greatly improved.

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September 23, 2020
Human Oversight is Still a Must

Human Oversight is Still a Must

AI is a boon to programmatic advertising, and the “intelligence” in artificial intelligence is getting smarter each day. However, because AI algorithms aren’t able to experience emotion or base decisions on gut instinct, there will always be a need for human oversight to help govern AI technology and ensure proper decisions are being made. Intelligence without oversight isn’t enough When the late Kobe Bryant passed away earlier this year, social media and news agencies went wild reporting the tragedy.

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September 16, 2020
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