

Experian Reveals What Advertisers Can Do to Get Ready for the Holiday Season

Experian Reveals What Advertisers Can Do to Get Ready for the Holiday Season

The Winter Holiday season is easily the biggest time of the year for advertisers and businesses alike. With thousands of other companies competing for space in your target audience’s brain, what can you do to stand out from the crowd and attract those holiday dollars? Thanks to years of experience and a recent report from our partner Experian, Genius Monkey has the tools your business needs to thrive this season.

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September 25, 2024
What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

Gen Z is growing up; they’ve been the transition generation for some time, and now more than half of them have reached adulthood. As their purchasing potential grows, it’s time to take notice of how, on what, and where the iGen spends their money so you can know how to better speak to their wants and needs. Let’s take a look at the data so you understand the youngest generation of adults and how their buying brains think.

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January 24, 2024
Building Up Your Brand in the Busiest Season of the Year

Building Up Your Brand in the Busiest Season of the Year

‘Tis the season; holiday spending in the US grew to over $940 billion in 2022, largely concentrated around Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the newly-minted Small-Business Saturday snuggled in between. That’s a 5.9% increase over the last year, and represents an incredible opportunity to make money and create loyal customers – but you have to get started now! Start Early and Don’t Stop When The Holidays are Over Even with the best campaign in the world, you should not wait until the week before to start talking about your holiday deals.

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November 1, 2023
How Will AI Revolutionize the E-commerce Space?

How Will AI Revolutionize the E-commerce Space?

Today’s modern landscape opens up tons of possibilities for business owners and marketers, especially those running things completely online. A myriad of tools are available to help even a solo-operated e-commerce business keep up with the big players, and many of the newest toys are powered by AI. Let’s take a closer look at how artificial intelligence is affecting the e-commerce industry and how you can take advantage of it moving forward!

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July 26, 2023
How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

We can’t see the future, but you can prepare for it now so your e-commerce brand remains resilient through an unexpected downturn. Whether you’ve been working on a plan already or are just now looking into building economic security, here are four strategies for optimizing your online store to build and secure brand loyalty: Create a Frictionless Shopping Experience The less friction shoppers experience navigating your store, the more likely they are to stay there (and away from competitors).

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June 21, 2023
Post-Pandemic Marketing is the New Marketing

Post-Pandemic Marketing is the New Marketing

When we entered 2020, nobody could predict what was going to happen. And nobody could foresee that the next two years would be full of immense change, online pandemonium, and masks. Don’t worry, this won’t be yet another pandemic article. Instead of focusing on COVID-19, Omicron, and worldwide effects of the virus, we want to focus on how the pandemic has affected marketing and advertising specifically. As the world changed, so did consumer habits.

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July 27, 2022
Elevate Your E-commerce Game with These 5 Tips

Elevate Your E-commerce Game with These 5 Tips

If you have an e-commerce business, you probably want to make sales. If your website isn’t up-to-date or maintained properly, you’ll be missing out on customers and cash flow. Create an amazing first impression by providing users a personalized shopping experience. Keep your website and purchase process updated and fix problems that arise. A great e-commerce website isn’t just about using the best font or colors—it’s about using great content, providing a safe space away from fraud, and allowing customers to easily navigate your site.

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March 8, 2022
Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Over the last several decades, we’ve seen huge advances in technology that have raised the bar for global markets faster than most businesses have been able to keep up with. Thanks to social distancing measures, these jumps in technology are occurring more rapidly today than ever before, and more and more brands are turning to such advances in order to keep their businesses viable and relevant during this time of drastic change for industries throughout the world.

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March 3, 2021
B2B Tech Marketing in a WFH World

B2B Tech Marketing in a WFH World

Now that we’ve safely landed in the new year (still recovering from a helluva rough 2020, though), take a moment to reflect. Visualize a snapshot of your life in 2019. Now compare that snapshot to your life in 2020. Do you see some major differences? If you don’t, then you’re not looking! A myriad of things has changed from 2019 to 2020. The biggest of which is evident in the new WFH (Work From Home) initiatives that have been implemented around the world.

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February 11, 2021