
#Genius Monkey

Preparing your Company during Google’s Cookie Ban Delay

Preparing your Company during Google’s Cookie Ban Delay

Genius Monkey recently made a blog post about Google’s modifications regarding its cookie guidelines for the digital marketing industry. But hold the presses! Google just announced that it was pushing back its timeline from 2021 to 2023 before they kill third-party tracking cookies, giving the brands a chance to plan for more privacy-conscious targeted ads. So, it appears that marketers may have at least two more years before the cookie cremation happens.

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September 1, 2021
Create Your Own Economy

Create Your Own Economy

The marketing funnel is a way to visualize and understand the full process of your clients’ journeys from before they even have a spark of a thought that they have a need up until they decide you are the right company to fulfill that need. A full-funnel marketing approach begins at the top of the funnel by driving mass impressions to achieve branding and name recognition. As you move down the funnel, it becomes narrower and the efforts of your marketing become more focused, targeting the most qualified audience with the highest propensity to convert.

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August 4, 2021
The Importance of Being Mobile Friendly

The Importance of Being Mobile Friendly

Consumers have grown increasingly accustomed to using their mobile devices to research products and make purchases, spending a large portion of their day using their phones. On average, smartphone users in 2019 spent three and a half hours per day on their mobile devices, with nearly a third of users reporting near continual time spent online. At the same time, the number of U.S. adults owning a smartphone has rapidly grown, from 35% in 2011 to 85% in 2021.

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July 14, 2021
Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Over the last few years, there have been several changes to how browsers handle first and third-party cookies. And now it looks like it might be time to say goodbye to third-party cookies for good. Yet the largest internet browser, Google Chrome, just announced that it is delaying its rollout of removing cookie tracking from mid 2022 until mid 2023 in an attempt to make sure they get things right.

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June 30, 2021
The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

Marketers from all industries agree that a cohesive customer journey across all touch points and channels is essential. The classic customer journey map, however, is no longer applicable in our ever-evolving digital environment. Why? Because the consumer journey is no longer a straight line. Today’s customer journey is much more complex than ever before. Non-linear journeys are the new normal Today’s modern buyers are in control. Due to the plethora of information available on the internet and the ability to connect with nearly everyone in the world, customers are no longer following a linear customer journey path with a clear start, center and end.

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June 9, 2021
Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

You’ve probably heard by now that by the year 2022, those of us in the digital ad industry must say “adiós” to the third-party cookie. The third-party phase-out was first announced in February 2020, but Google stirred the pot a little over the last month when they announced that they won’t be building alternate identifiers to track individuals as they browse across the web. Some companies fear that this will negatively affect their abilities to target the right consumers, but we at Genius Monkey say, “Lighten up, it just ain’t that big of a deal!

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March 31, 2021
Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

For luxury brands, loyal relationships and the revenues they bring in are everything. As Genius Monkey has advocated for years, programmatic doesn’t just sell $10 tubes of makeup and Happy Meals at McDonald’s … it also sells $30,000 diamonds and $500,000 homes. American short-story writer and novelist, F Scott Fitzgerald, famously wrote, “The rich are different from you and me.” Comparatively, high-ticket items are different from other goods, too. They do take longer to sell, but by implementing digital programmatic, the ROI and sales numbers are greatly improved.

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September 23, 2020
Human Oversight is Still a Must

Human Oversight is Still a Must

AI is a boon to programmatic advertising, and the “intelligence” in artificial intelligence is getting smarter each day. However, because AI algorithms aren’t able to experience emotion or base decisions on gut instinct, there will always be a need for human oversight to help govern AI technology and ensure proper decisions are being made. Intelligence without oversight isn’t enough When the late Kobe Bryant passed away earlier this year, social media and news agencies went wild reporting the tragedy.

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September 16, 2020
5 Keys to Strategic Content Promotion

5 Keys to Strategic Content Promotion

Sometimes marketers take creative content for granted, but no matter how intriguing or relevant their work may be, it cannot lead to success without a solid content promotion strategy crafted with a digital programmatic platform. Savvy marketers are always on the lookout for ways to improve content visibility and drive more quality traffic to their blogs and websites. Listed below are ways that we here at Genius Monkey have found to be rather effective at boosting interest in your content and increasing traffic with each new post.

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August 4, 2020
COVID-19 Causes Increase in Mobile Device Use

COVID-19 Causes Increase in Mobile Device Use

During this time of COVID-19, our portable devices have been somewhat of a lifeline to the outside world, as so many people have been ordered to stay in place during the global pandemic. Needless to say, this has brought about increased mobile use. In other words, the time spent on our smartphones and tablets has risen drastically. Changes in mobile use Over the past year, some of these trends were expected, and were already manifesting themselves before the global pandemic hit the U.

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July 6, 2020
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