
#Human Oversight

AI in AdTech; the Good, the Bad, and the Future

AI in AdTech; the Good, the Bad, and the Future

Artificial intelligence occupies a weird place in modern culture. Simultaneously the harbinger of doom and a technological savior, some are worried it will kill every creative industry while others are happy at how easily it accomplishes menial tasks. AI is unlikely to go away anytime soon, so the best thing for advertisers to do is understand its potential for both good and bad, while looking at industry trends to see where this is all going.

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September 11, 2024
Customer Service and the Importance of Fully-Managed Platforms

Customer Service and the Importance of Fully-Managed Platforms

Targeted advertising has solidified itself as the king of digital marketing. Approximately 87% of all digital ad spend is devoted to programmatic, and nothing can get that popular without a few alternatives rearing their heads. To the crux of the issue: self-service vs. fully-managed programmatic platforms. There are many qualities that separate these two distinct tools of targeted advertising, and this article is going to take a deeper look at a key element that divides them: customer service.

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May 22, 2024
How to Combat Made-for-Advertising Sites

How to Combat Made-for-Advertising Sites

Wherever services can be exchanged for money, you’ll find not-so-great artists trying to make as much money with as little effort as possible. Made-for-advertising sites are a barely-legal scam that everyone recognizes when they see it, but it’s still going to eat up around $20 billion dollars in ad spend this year. How does this happen, and – more importantly – how can you minimize its impact on your business?

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December 5, 2023
What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

We know you want the best. How do we know that? Because that’s what we want, too. We are only interested in giving our best, every time. No cutting corners, no surprises. That’s why we’re sharing our step-by-step process when it comes to your campaign. We’ll walk you through what to expect and what you’ll get with Genius Monkey. Let’s start with YOU. The most important part. Meeting Genius Monkey When you meet with Genius Monkey, you’ll share your goals and your marketing history so we can better understand your vision.

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March 28, 2023
Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it may be the best time for you to advertise. Thanksgiving is about heartfelt moments with family, eating amazing food, and finally buying that thing you’ve always wanted. It’s the sweet-spot holiday between Halloween and Christmas where consumers will be ready to buy. This holiday is the optimal time to buy before Christmas time, which may be deemed “too late” for some customers.

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November 2, 2022
The 3 Easy Ways You Can Outshine Your Competitors

The 3 Easy Ways You Can Outshine Your Competitors

You’ve probably heard it a million times—the best tips and tricks to make your business better. But we’re here to speak from experience—10+ years of it—and let you in on the things we’ve learned about outperforming competitors. It’s more than just keeping tabs on what the other guys are doing. It’s more than using the word “innovation,” rebranding and creating a new logo, or even offering cheaper services. We’ve been voted one of the best digital marketing platform companies in the country, and our clients and results will show you that we really do know what we’re doing.

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September 28, 2022
Should You Advertise in the Metaverse?

Should You Advertise in the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse? According to Facebook, the Metaverse is a virtual arena, where “3D spaces in the metaverse will let you socialise, learn, collaborate and play in ways that go beyond what we can imagine.” They go on to explain that this space will be created by everyone and built for everyone to enjoy. Put simply, it’s a virtual world of interconnected communities. In the Metaverse, people can chat, work, play games, and interact through virtual reality.

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May 25, 2022
Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

How do you get the right message to the right person? With targeting, of course. But once they’ve come to your site or clicked on your ad, the real targeting begins. It’s not enough to “lead a horse to water”—in digital advertising, you need to know exactly what type of water that horse likes, when they drink water, what kind of supplements they need in their water, and more.

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March 23, 2022
What L.O.V.E Really Means to Advertisers

What L.O.V.E Really Means to Advertisers

Today, we’re talking about LOVE. But not the kind you see in a Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movie. Yes, we love the romantic side of this special holiday in February, but if you know us, you know we gotta talk about what we love most—marketing, digital advertising, and all things programmatic. So today, we’re inviting you to our candlelit dinner table to talk about LOVE. We’ve created a L-O-V-E acronym for marketing that gives you advertising tips from our experts.

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February 8, 2022
Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

You’ve probably heard by now that by the year 2022, those of us in the digital ad industry must say “adiós” to the third-party cookie. The third-party phase-out was first announced in February 2020, but Google stirred the pot a little over the last month when they announced that they won’t be building alternate identifiers to track individuals as they browse across the web. Some companies fear that this will negatively affect their abilities to target the right consumers, but we at Genius Monkey say, “Lighten up, it just ain’t that big of a deal!

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March 31, 2021
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