
#Impression Tracking

The Real-World Importance of Impression Tracking

The Real-World Importance of Impression Tracking

If you live in the U.S. and have been on the internet this month, there’s a good chance you’ve been on YouTube. The video platform hosts more than 2.7 billion active users, and no platform can get that popular without seeing its fair share of controversies. Lately, YouTube has been making some not-so-great headlines that demonstrate the importance of knowing the entire customer journey in your programmatic campaigns. Let’s take a closer look at impression tracking and what we can learn about it from YouTube.

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January 10, 2024
Press Release: Genius Monkey Expands Audience Insights Reporting With Data From StatSocial Integration

Press Release: Genius Monkey Expands Audience Insights Reporting With Data From StatSocial Integration

Genius Monkey is teaming up with StatSocial, a platform that leverages social profile audience data to give users next-level insights into their engaged audience, their affinities and other persona profiles they associate with – allowing Genius Monkey platform users to have thousands of more data points on their audience to further optimize campaigns and overall marketing efforts. In our latest article published on AP News, MarketWatch, and Seeking Alpha we explain how the Genius Monkey data panel is expanding with over 85,000 new customer attributes to track, including hobbies, education, preferred media, personality types, and much more.

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October 4, 2023
GA4 is Here: What You Need to Know

GA4 is Here: What You Need to Know

Pour one out, friends; Universal Analytics is no more. Unless you’re using 360, then Google Analytics 4 is now your current and only option from Google for tracking data and stats for your website. There is some good and some bad that comes along with any change, and we’re here to break down what you need to know about GA4. The Good Tracking Across Multiple Devices Universal Analytics focused on desktop interactions with your site; when a user hopped on, UA tracked the “session” as a group of user hits on your site.

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July 19, 2023
Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Do you understand the difference between data and insights? Are you really understanding your data, or do you have surface-level knowledge that can be improved? In an Adweek article by Anastasia Leng, she warns against doing the same thing multiple times without ever “validating if it’s having the intended result.” Leng says many have easy access to metrics without the right tools to differentiate them. Simply put, just because something can be measured doesn’t mean that data should make the decisions for you.

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June 29, 2022
Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Did you know the story of The Tortoise and the Hare is actually an amazing marketing analogy? Most businesses want to be the Hare—speedy and instantaneous. But in the marketing world, where the race is a conversion cycle, the Tortoise wins every time. Why? Because the tortoise is patient, steady, and smart. We’re sharing our best tips for understanding the conversion cycle, what a typical conversion looks like, and how you can feel more confident in your marketing efforts, from first impressions to final clicks.

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December 8, 2021
Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Can you remember every ad you saw? What was the last commercial that caught your eye? In a world of constant messaging and promotion, it’s nearly impossible to remember every ad that passes your way. So how can you expect your customers to do the same? A Real-Life Example with Genius Monkey A law firm recently partnered with Genius Monkey to increase leads, and they started seeing results almost immediately.

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October 13, 2021
Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Customer Insights in a Cookieless World

Over the last few years, there have been several changes to how browsers handle first and third-party cookies. And now it looks like it might be time to say goodbye to third-party cookies for good. Yet the largest internet browser, Google Chrome, just announced that it is delaying its rollout of removing cookie tracking from mid 2022 until mid 2023 in an attempt to make sure they get things right.

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June 30, 2021
The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

Marketers from all industries agree that a cohesive customer journey across all touch points and channels is essential. The classic customer journey map, however, is no longer applicable in our ever-evolving digital environment. Why? Because the consumer journey is no longer a straight line. Today’s customer journey is much more complex than ever before. Non-linear journeys are the new normal Today’s modern buyers are in control. Due to the plethora of information available on the internet and the ability to connect with nearly everyone in the world, customers are no longer following a linear customer journey path with a clear start, center and end.

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June 9, 2021
Press Release: Mastering Post-Click Optimization

Press Release: Mastering Post-Click Optimization

Too many marketers forget that the ad is only the first impression—known as the “pre-click experience.” Everything that happens after a prospect clicks your ad, or when they visit your website a day, week, or month later is part of the post-click experience, and it’s this stage in the customer journey that has the greatest impact on whether your customer will convert. Understanding how to properly optimize the post-click experience for your customers can be tricky, but don’t worry.

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April 22, 2021
How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

In the world of marketing, data is king. Marketers use an abundance of user data to gather leads, increase sales, and personalize the customer experience. These data-first strategies have proven highly successful at converting customers, which is exactly why data is king. Data-driven personalized marketing allows brands to target their campaigns at precise individuals rather than splash their messaging to random mass audiences. But with increasing awareness around data privacy recently, ad personalization has encountered a few road blocks, forcing marketers to change how they collect and/or personalize consumer data in the age of digital privacy.

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February 3, 2021
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