
#Marketing Trends

CTV is Here to Stay; What Now?

CTV is Here to Stay; What Now?

The COVID pandemic was largely responsible for the explosive growth of CTV in the last few years. The lockdowns left many people looking for new entertainment, and connected TV was a simple solution. The U.S. Census Bureau reported a 35% increase in shopping for electronics during this time, suggesting an increased investment into in-home entertainment. The lockdowns are mostly lifted all over the world, and those TVs are still there and are still used.

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August 9, 2023
5 Major Marketing Trends… Are They Worth It?

5 Major Marketing Trends… Are They Worth It?

To follow, or not to follow? What marketing trends are really worth putting your whole energy into these days? We’re here to give our recommendations—based on our years of data and experience in the programmatic ad space—about which marketing trends lead to a payoff versus which ones may be a waste of time. This isn’t a “one size fits all” blog, though—in the end, you have to make the decision regarding your own strategy.

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June 14, 2023
Prices Are Even Lower at Genius Monkey – 2023 First Quarter Analysis

Prices Are Even Lower at Genius Monkey – 2023 First Quarter Analysis

Our clients have been enjoying some of the best prices we’ve seen in the last two years! Why is this? Straight to the nitty-gritty; it’s because we have been working hard on our optimization algorithms and features along with integrating even more inventory through new networks, direct deals, and DSPs. This helps Genius Monkey continuously drive down costs with our unique media-agnostic approach, reaching consumers on any device they use.

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May 2, 2023
If You Give a Marketer a Cookie…They’re Going To Want It Forever

If You Give a Marketer a Cookie…They’re Going To Want It Forever

Why are so many marketers talking about the cookie? Didn’t Google wipe out cookies this year? Well, not quite. There’s a lot of talk in the digital advertising world related to cookies, privacy, and restrictions, and we’re here to give you all the updates and info you need. Goodbye Cookies The word “cookie” usually refers to the data saved online that can store and remember information about you. When you visit a website, cookies could track your online activity.

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January 18, 2023
It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

You can be targeted based on where you live. You can be targeted based on age, religion, favorite toothpaste brand, and more. As advertisers, we use targeting points like this to match consumers/viewers with the best advertisements—the ones they are most likely to engage with and buy from. But one of the most important ways to target is almost too obvious, yet many overlook its importance: targeting with search intent.

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January 4, 2023
The Top Things We Learned in 2022

The Top Things We Learned in 2022

While 2022 had its challenges, like transitioning from a pandemic and adapting to post-pandemic marketing, it also had its rewards and learning experiences. Genius Monkey continues to grow, not only with clients and success stories, but also with new team members and greater recognition in the marketing industry. This is what we’ve learned in 2022 that you should take with you into the new year. Ad Sales on the Rise Despite coming out of a pandemic, advertising continues to grow.

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December 7, 2022
Naughty or Nice? Is Your Holiday Advertising as Good as It Could Be?

Naughty or Nice? Is Your Holiday Advertising as Good as It Could Be?

This is the best and busiest time of year to make the most of your ad dollars. You may think this season is too “chaotic” or unpredictable, but it’s actually one of the most important times for your advertising strategy. Instead of putting your advertising on pause until the New Year like some companies do, take advantage of the next few months to show others that your brand and business can do it all.

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November 15, 2022
What Makes a Well-Designed Ad? We Asked Our Creative Director

What Makes a Well-Designed Ad? We Asked Our Creative Director

We sat down with our Creative Director at Genius Monkey, Damon Reine, and asked him about his work, design tips, advertising secrets, and more. Here’s what he had to say: Q: What does being creative director entail at Genius Monkey? Damon: The day-to-day position entails managing and creating the visual and creative voice and personality of the company. We’re an ad tech company—we don’t have a product on the shelf—so it’s important our consumers come to digest us through advertising, the website, social media, and more.

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September 14, 2022
Post-Pandemic Marketing is the New Marketing

Post-Pandemic Marketing is the New Marketing

When we entered 2020, nobody could predict what was going to happen. And nobody could foresee that the next two years would be full of immense change, online pandemonium, and masks. Don’t worry, this won’t be yet another pandemic article. Instead of focusing on COVID-19, Omicron, and worldwide effects of the virus, we want to focus on how the pandemic has affected marketing and advertising specifically. As the world changed, so did consumer habits.

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July 27, 2022
Your Source of Programmatic Ad Trends: Q2 vs Q1 2022

Your Source of Programmatic Ad Trends: Q2 vs Q1 2022

The downfall of linear and traditional marketing has given way to new marketing mediums, such as CTV and Programmatic audio, which continue to rise. Television, streaming, YouTube, and other online media platforms continue to get more use as our lives become more diverse, which has allowed marketers and media companies to reach, track and target audiences in new and exciting ways. We are excited to bring you quarterly insights into significant marketing mediums and vertical trends Genius Monkey data has shown.

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July 13, 2022
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