Staying Ahead of Consumer Behavior
In 2020, not only did consumers change, but marketing tactics evolved as well. Video took off last year, virtual and remote customer experiences replaced more traditional shopping processes and new digital platforms emerged and swiftly grew in popularity––as did consumer expectations. All these alterations to the marketplace have kept advertisers on their toes, particularly when it comes to changes in consumer behavior. So what can marketers expect for the rest of 2021, and how can they adjust their ad strategies in order to better suit these new consumer behaviors and expectations?
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March 24, 2021

B2B Tech Marketing in a WFH World
Now that we’ve safely landed in the new year (still recovering from a helluva rough 2020, though), take a moment to reflect. Visualize a snapshot of your life in 2019. Now compare that snapshot to your life in 2020. Do you see some major differences? If you don’t, then you’re not looking!
A myriad of things has changed from 2019 to 2020. The biggest of which is evident in the new WFH (Work From Home) initiatives that have been implemented around the world.
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February 11, 2021

What Marketers Can Expect for 2021
The year of 2020 has been a wild ride and it’s still going strong. This year has thrown marketers from every industry for a loop when it comes to customer patterns and advertising predictability, and while much of what we’ve learned this year has come at a high cost, we’ve learned a plethora of lessons involving consumer behavior, trends and overall ad effectiveness–and savvy marketers are continuing to adapt their campaign strategies accordingly.
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November 10, 2020

Emerging Programmatic Frontiers
Gaming and music and apps…oh my! There’s a brave new world taking shape across the programmatic landscape, and it comes in a host of new platforms and channels for advertisers to explore. But not before gearing up for the journey. So plug in. Power up. And get ready…to play.
Social media on the decline Smart devices have become a regular part of daily life, with the average person spending at least four hours on their phone per day and more than 65% of Americans using multiple installed apps in that time.
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September 30, 2020