

Press Release: The Media Agency Shift

Press Release: The Media Agency Shift

New technologies and a worldwide pandemic have encouraged the advertising industry to cut out middlemen and other costs, leading to many overworked and understaffed internal marketing teams. These teams have adapted through the implementation of fully-managed programmatic platforms, and it’s time for media agencies to make the same jump. Published on AP News and Benzinga, Genius Monkey dives into the context and benefits of adopting a fully-managed programmatic system. If your team needs better ad coverage, hands-on expertise, and simplified workflows, get in touch with the Genius Monkeys and evolve your marketing strategy to the next level!

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May 1, 2024
Breaking News: Genius Monkey Announces Integration with Experian to Enhance Attribution

Breaking News: Genius Monkey Announces Integration with Experian to Enhance Attribution

Genius Monkey is proud to announce a collaboration with Experian to integrate with the company’s Consumer Sync technology. The integration allows the Genius Monkey platform to connect offline and online data, in a privacy-safe manner, and derive meaningful insights to reach more than 1.5B connected IDs that have been active and addressable in the last 60 days. The effort aims to amplify Genius Monkey’s attribution capabilities, enabling a more comprehensive view of ad effectiveness for marketers.

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September 27, 2023
Genius Monkey Hits 99th Percentile of all Media Trust Vendors

Genius Monkey Hits 99th Percentile of all Media Trust Vendors

Genius Monkey is proud to announce that our programmatic platform has been listed among the top 1% of all ad vendors with The Media Trust, according to their recently released IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) report. As a global leader in digital third-party risk management, The Media Trust provides real-time security, data privacy, performance management and quality assurance solutions that help safeguard, monetize and optimize the user experience over devices.

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October 14, 2020