

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Recent Study Shows Display as the Backbone to Digital Marketing

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Recent Study Shows Display as the Backbone to Digital Marketing

As a leader in programmatic advertising, Genius Monkey knows that a well-rounded strategy includes display first and then other programmatic services added on to complement display. In fact, data shows that display campaigns are the backbone of almost every successful digital marketing media plan. Genius Monkey recently conducted a study in which we took a large sample of clients who were running multiple programmatic mediums (display, video, audio, OTT/CTV, etc) at once to analyze how each medium yielded conversions working together, and the results were no surprise to us!

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January 19, 2022
King of Ad Fraud Gets Sent to Prison!

King of Ad Fraud Gets Sent to Prison!

On November 10 in 2021, Russian cybercriminal Aleksandr Zhukov was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his digital ad scam, stealing more than $7 million from U.S. advertisers and publishers for more than 2 years. How did he do it? Russian “King of Ad Fraud” Gets Caught In 2014, Zhukov started an advertising network and received payments from other ad networks to place advertisements on websites. But instead of putting ads on real web pages, he rented 2,000 computer servers and put them in data centers, programming them to act like humans viewing ads.

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January 4, 2022
The Proof is in Programmatic: How We've Grown in the Last 3 Years

The Proof is in Programmatic: How We've Grown in the Last 3 Years

The Internet came to life 38 years ago. The first iPhone was released 14 years ago. The first television advertisement was a 10-second video during a baseball game in 1941, 80 years ago. It may seem like many years have passed, but all of these developments, from TV to cell phones, appeared in the last 100 years and have changed our lives forever. Soon after these inventions came advertising on these devices.

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December 15, 2021
Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Tracking Takes Time: The First 30 Days is Just the Beginning

Did you know the story of The Tortoise and the Hare is actually an amazing marketing analogy? Most businesses want to be the Hare—speedy and instantaneous. But in the marketing world, where the race is a conversion cycle, the Tortoise wins every time. Why? Because the tortoise is patient, steady, and smart. We’re sharing our best tips for understanding the conversion cycle, what a typical conversion looks like, and how you can feel more confident in your marketing efforts, from first impressions to final clicks.

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December 8, 2021
Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: How Genius Monkey Gives Full Attribution

In marketing and advertising, we know that the more you know, the more you can optimize and succeed. When it comes to attribution and reporting, knowing the full picture about a potential customer can be the difference between landing a solid conversion and losing a crucial lead. While other OTT & Connected TV marketers claim to provide thorough attribution, what you may not know is that they may not be giving you the whole picture.

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November 3, 2021
‘Tis the Season to Be Streaming: How OTT/CTV Can Benefit From the Holidays

‘Tis the Season to Be Streaming: How OTT/CTV Can Benefit From the Holidays

From Freeform’s 31 Nights of Halloween to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (which has 50 million viewers), there is no shortage of big events to watch for this holiday season. A 2020 study from Unruly (interviewing Americans) revealed that during the winter season: 51% planned to watch more TV 58% planned to spend more time on the Internet 34% planned to spend more time playing video games Unruly researcher Nick Woodford added, “With more eyeballs on screens, it’s never been more important for brands to get their holiday campaigns right.

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October 25, 2021
Facebook Went Dark—What Did You Do?

Facebook Went Dark—What Did You Do?

Where were you on October 4, 2021? If you own a smartphone or keep up with the news, you’ll remember that at the beginning of this month, Facebook “broke down” for more than 5 hours. And it wasn’t just Facebook—the breakdown included their apps, Instagram and Whatsapp, and even some of their office building software, leaving Facebook employees locked outside for hours. Maybe you barely noticed and went on with your day.

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October 20, 2021
Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Polling Your Customers Doesn’t Work — Why Attribution is Crucial

Can you remember every ad you saw? What was the last commercial that caught your eye? In a world of constant messaging and promotion, it’s nearly impossible to remember every ad that passes your way. So how can you expect your customers to do the same? A Real-Life Example with Genius Monkey A law firm recently partnered with Genius Monkey to increase leads, and they started seeing results almost immediately.

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October 13, 2021
How Programmatic Promotes Higher Education Enrollment

How Programmatic Promotes Higher Education Enrollment

The unforeseen upheaval of 2020 has been hard on all industries, but colleges and higher education institutions have taken a particularly rough hit since social distancing and stay-at-home mandates went into place. Without the opportunity to make personal connections, foot traffic has greatly decreased on campus, while many prospective students are now hesitant to enroll in any higher learning programs due to economic uncertainties. With so many unknowns still up in the air, educational institutions have been forced to shift their marketing strategies and re-evaluate their advertising message.

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December 16, 2020
The 2-Second Rule for Engagement

The 2-Second Rule for Engagement

How long do advertisers have to make an impression when they engage an audience online? Not as long as you might think. Marketers typically assume people will watch all of their 15 or 30 second spots or all of their rotating banner ads. But when looking at the data, it seems that’s not always the case. In fact, it rarely ever is. The IAB Digital Video Glossary says a video ad is considered “viewable” if at least 50% of the ad is viewed for two consecutive seconds.

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December 2, 2020
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