

Which Programmatic Mediums Grew the Most in 2023?

Which Programmatic Mediums Grew the Most in 2023?

Programmatic advertising has cemented itself as the premier digital marketing avenue, representing the vast majority of digital ad spend in 2023 – the exact percentage depends on who you ask, but the lowest we found was about 80%. Not only is it big, but the numbers also confirm that it’s growing. Programmatic covers a variety of mediums, all of which experienced their own ups and downs worth examining. In this week’s blog, we’re taking a look at how the mediums collectively and individually grew in the year 2023 – as well as comparing them to Genius Monkey data – so you can know the trajectory of industry moving forward.

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May 8, 2024
Buy X Through Google, Amazon Prime Video Ads, and More: Recent Shake-ups in the Digital Advertising World

Buy X Through Google, Amazon Prime Video Ads, and More: Recent Shake-ups in the Digital Advertising World

Digital advertising is always on the move, and the industry has seen some recent shake-ups that can have an impact on your marketing strategy. From new advertising partnerships to rapidly expanding inventories, here are some of the recent digital marketing headlines worth paying attention to. X Now Selling Ad Space via Google Earlier this year (summer of 2023), Elon Musk reported that advertising revenue for X was down 50%. In an effort to combat the declining figures, X is now selling inventory through the Google Display Network to programmatically serve users on their X home feed.

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October 18, 2023
Press Release: Genius Monkey Expands Audience Insights Reporting With Data From StatSocial Integration

Press Release: Genius Monkey Expands Audience Insights Reporting With Data From StatSocial Integration

Genius Monkey is teaming up with StatSocial, a platform that leverages social profile audience data to give users next-level insights into their engaged audience, their affinities and other persona profiles they associate with – allowing Genius Monkey platform users to have thousands of more data points on their audience to further optimize campaigns and overall marketing efforts. In our latest article published on AP News, MarketWatch, and Seeking Alpha we explain how the Genius Monkey data panel is expanding with over 85,000 new customer attributes to track, including hobbies, education, preferred media, personality types, and much more.

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October 4, 2023
Breaking News: Genius Monkey Announces Integration with Experian to Enhance Attribution

Breaking News: Genius Monkey Announces Integration with Experian to Enhance Attribution

Genius Monkey is proud to announce a collaboration with Experian to integrate with the company’s Consumer Sync technology. The integration allows the Genius Monkey platform to connect offline and online data, in a privacy-safe manner, and derive meaningful insights to reach more than 1.5B connected IDs that have been active and addressable in the last 60 days. The effort aims to amplify Genius Monkey’s attribution capabilities, enabling a more comprehensive view of ad effectiveness for marketers.

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September 27, 2023
GA4 is Here: What You Need to Know

GA4 is Here: What You Need to Know

Pour one out, friends; Universal Analytics is no more. Unless you’re using 360, then Google Analytics 4 is now your current and only option from Google for tracking data and stats for your website. There is some good and some bad that comes along with any change, and we’re here to break down what you need to know about GA4. The Good Tracking Across Multiple Devices Universal Analytics focused on desktop interactions with your site; when a user hopped on, UA tracked the “session” as a group of user hits on your site.

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July 19, 2023
Press Release: Lessons Learned From Users With the Best ROAS in Their Vertical

Press Release: Lessons Learned From Users With the Best ROAS in Their Vertical

Digital marketing often feels like a guessing game, but it doesn’t have to. The promise of programmatic marketing is turning a broad announcement into a hand-delivered letter straight to those who could use it most – no guesswork needed. That personal approach is achieved through gathering copious amounts of industry data and, most importantly, knowing what to do with it. In our latest article published on AP News, Yahoo! Finance and MarketWatch, we recently pulled statistics from 30 of our top performing users, focusing specifically on the ones that yielded the highest return on ad spend (ROAS) for their digital efforts.

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May 17, 2023
What’s New in Q2 at Genius Monkey (2023 Edition)

What’s New in Q2 at Genius Monkey (2023 Edition)

We at Genius Monkey believe that constant, steady improvement is key to success not only in your advertising endeavors, but in the tools we use to make it possible. We’re excited and eager to share some of the latest additions and improvements we’ve made to the Genius Monkey platform. Ad Size Data Tracking A new ad size reporting display in the dashboard allows you to more quickly see which of your display ad sizes served the most impressions and received the most clicks at a glance, you can have speedy, valuable insights into exactly which ad dimensions are performing the best.

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May 9, 2023
What the Recent FCC Order Means For Your Business

What the Recent FCC Order Means For Your Business

Spam calls: perhaps one of the few universal experiences that can finally unite humanity with our shared annoyance. Whether it takes the form of an email, a text, or a good ol’ fashioned phone call, solicitous communication from companies is something we’ve come to expect in 21st-century America – but that might be about to change. The Future of Spam-Based Text Marketing Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released their Report and Order on fraudulent text messages, requiring providers to block text messages that are “highly likely to be illegal”.

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April 10, 2023
Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Genius Monkey Premium CTV Placements Expands with DirecTV Addition

Press Release: Featured on Yahoo! Finance: Genius Monkey Premium CTV Placements Expands with DirecTV Addition

Many major Connected TV publishers such as Netflix and DIRECTV are making exclusive deals with DSP’s, meaning their inventory can be bought through one DSP. This could be affecting your campaigns. Why? Because most programmatic platforms and agencies today have one DSP as their backend servicer to serve ads. If they are only using one DSP they are potentially missing out on premium placements. Since Genius Monkey has both Xandr and Yahoo DSP already within its Meta-DSP platform, we are included in both exclusivity deals.

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February 21, 2023
The Top Things We Learned in 2022

The Top Things We Learned in 2022

While 2022 had its challenges, like transitioning from a pandemic and adapting to post-pandemic marketing, it also had its rewards and learning experiences. Genius Monkey continues to grow, not only with clients and success stories, but also with new team members and greater recognition in the marketing industry. This is what we’ve learned in 2022 that you should take with you into the new year. Ad Sales on the Rise Despite coming out of a pandemic, advertising continues to grow.

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December 7, 2022
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